Curriculum design

Sustainable development goals competiton highlights great teaching practise

Supporting our academic staff in incorporating the principles of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship into the curriculum is an important part of our sustainable objectives at BU. This year to highlight some of the good teaching practise CEL ran a competition which asked lecturers to give examples of where they incorporate the… Read more » about Sustainable development goals competiton highlights great teaching practise

FMC Guest Seminars – Student engagement, dynamic teaching and researcher development: 29 and 30th June

Apologies for cross posting, wanted to make the BU community aware that this workshops available to all BU staff – please do come along to a session FMC Guest Seminars – Researcher Development   Faculty of Media and Commination is excited to be receiving a visit from Dr. John Willison from the University of Adelaide…. Read more » about FMC Guest Seminars – Student engagement, dynamic teaching and researcher development: 29 and 30th June

Findings CEL-funded project disseminated in Nepal

On Thursday 27th April BU staff presented at a dissemination meeting on research conducted into Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Nursing in Nepal. At the moment nurses in Nepal can stay registered for decades without any evidence of updating their knowledge or recent work experience.  The qualitative research included eight focus groups with a range of nurses from… Read more » about Findings CEL-funded project disseminated in Nepal

CEL Success: Validation of MA Education Practice.

The CEL team, led by Head of CEL Professor Gail Thomas and Dr Sue Eccles, CEL Research and Development lead, and supported by CEL members Dr Curie Scott (Programme Leader); Dr Jenny Hall (NMC lead); Professor Debbie Holley; Anne Quinney  (Theme Leader for Creative Assessment and Feedback) as well as Academic Liaison Manager, librarian Emma… Read more » about CEL Success: Validation of MA Education Practice.

HE policy update w/e 3rd March 2017

Industrial Strategy The Government launched the Industrial Strategy Green Paper and consultation at the end of January. The paper focuses on improving Britain’s innovation and productivity in key areas alongside upskilling the workforce to become world leading. The government suggest a number sectors to support: clean energy robotics healthcare space technology quantum technology advanced computing… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 3rd March 2017

HE policy update for the w/e 24th February 2017

Jo Johnson spoke at a UUK conference today and made a number of important announcements: New government amendments to the Higher Education and Research Bill. The detailed amendments have not yet been published but a Department for Education factsheet has been provided. The government amendments have been welcomed so far. See the Latest set of… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 24th February 2017

New publication on student grading in midwifery

This week saw the pre-publication of ‘Core principles to reduce current variations that exist in grading of midwifery practice in the United Kingdom’ in Nurse Education in Practice [1].  This educational paper is co-authored by five senior midwifery lecturers across the South of England, including BU’s Dr. Susan Way in the Centre for Midwifery, Maternal… Read more » about New publication on student grading in midwifery

HE policy updated 27th January 2017

Industrial Strategy Green Paper The Government launched the Industrial Strategy Green Paper and consultation this week. The paper focuses on improving Britain’s innovation and productivity in key areas alongside upskilling the workforce to become world leading. The government suggest a number of areas of industry specialism that should be supported: clean energy robotics healthcare space… Read more » about HE policy updated 27th January 2017

Developing the digital curricula – Tuesday 11 October

Next Tuesday, CEL are running a session on developing a digital curriculum.  The session takes place in PG3oa between 10.00 and 12.00. Topics covered in this session will include: Digital policy and frameworks – why these matter The JISC model of digital innovation Mapping your own unit or programme The session will be of use… Read more » about Developing the digital curricula – Tuesday 11 October

Developing your digital curricula – 11th October in PG30a

The first of the new series of iInnovate workshops is coming up soon: Date Topic Location Facilitators Tuesday 11 October 10.00-12.00 Developing the digital curricula – Come to our workshop and get support to learn more about designing technology into your curricula PG30a David Biggins, Debbie Holley, Geli Roushan Click here to book your place.