
CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue of the

Calling BU creative colleagues – an extended deadline… ===== Dear colleagues, I’d like to draw your attention to a CfP relating to a Creativity Special Issue of RAISE’s Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal (SEHEJ). I previously circulated the details (below) – but I’m sending this because the DEADLINE for Expressions of Interest/Abstracts HAS BEEN EXTENDED… Read more » about CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue of the

Using Fieldscapes as an authoring tool for creating immersive learning

Dr Liz Falconer, Denyse King (Midwifery Lecturer) and David Hunt met with Nash Mbaya and David Burden from Daden Limited today; to continue their collaborative development of a Virtual Maternity Urinalysis Clinic using ‘Fieldscapes’.  The meeting was part of the Collaborative Alternative Augmented Reality Series (CAARS)- a project that is creating a 3D virtual environment… Read more » about Using Fieldscapes as an authoring tool for creating immersive learning

Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal CREATIVITY FOR STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: PURPOSE, PROCESS, PRODUCT

Colleagues, I know there are some experts out there! Please do consider contrinuing to the special issue – i understad there may be some flexibility for the September 1000 word expression of interest. Debbie Call for papers: Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal CREATIVITY FOR STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: PURPOSE, PROCESS, PRODUCT Much… Read more » about Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal CREATIVITY FOR STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: PURPOSE, PROCESS, PRODUCT

Creating creative spaces – game changers and fun at work!

Susanne Clarke – Head of Service Excellence. Creating spaces and environments which bring teams together to unleash creativity and allow game changing ideas to thrive is central to embedding excellence. There is a lot of science behind many approaches to creativity & innovation and the evidence is growing all the time. It can however, be… Read more » about Creating creative spaces – game changers and fun at work!

FAR Think Piece One: All of us put other people first

A series of short, reflective pieces about widening participation projects is being published from within the Fair Access Research (FAR) initiative, which aim to share ideas and experiences on widening participation projects from across the university, to provoke thought and to inspire. Think Piece One is written by Dr Jacqueline Priego, postdoctoral research fellow in CEL, about a co-production… Read more » about FAR Think Piece One: All of us put other people first

Professor Debbie Holley delivers Keynote to BU Careers and Teachers Conference

A keynote presentation to the BU Careers and Teachers conference #BUCATC This keynote suggests that with the move to models of school based teacher training, that trainee teachers and NQTs find their  Continuous Professional Development needs are not being met, and indeed, can be unsuitable to their needs.  I suggest that harnessing their desire co-create… Read more » about Professor Debbie Holley delivers Keynote to BU Careers and Teachers Conference

BU’s Vision4Learning project and the ‘magic-weaving business’

Photograph (L-R): Sir John Jones and Professor Debbie Holley (Head of CEL) Last week the fourth annual Service Excellence conference was held at BU. Attended by both professional service and academic staff, the conference offered a variety of workshops and visiting speakers to explore themes of kindness in the workplace and going the extra mile… Read more » about BU’s Vision4Learning project and the ‘magic-weaving business’

Drawing Slow: 20-60 minutes

In the previous post, I provided some examples of creating fast drawings during taught sessions. Here, I am going to present some ideas of slow drawing which will take 20-60 minutes. Several are examples of observational drawing where what is observed is drawn which facilitates a deeper seeing. This happened during life drawing classes incorporated… Read more » about Drawing Slow: 20-60 minutes