Calling BU creative colleagues – an extended deadline… ===== Dear colleagues, I’d like to draw your attention to a CfP relating to a Creativity Special Issue of RAISE’s Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal (SEHEJ). I previously circulated the details (below) – but I’m sending this because the DEADLINE for Expressions of Interest/Abstracts HAS BEEN EXTENDED… Read more » about CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal CREATIVITY FOR STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: PURPOSE, PROCESS, PRODUCT
Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal
Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal CREATIVITY FOR STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: PURPOSE, PROCESS, PRODUCT

Colleagues, I know there are some experts out there! Please do consider contrinuing to the special issue – i understad there may be some flexibility for the September 1000 word expression of interest. Debbie Call for papers: Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal CREATIVITY FOR STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: PURPOSE, PROCESS, PRODUCT Much… Read more » about Special Issue of the Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal CREATIVITY FOR STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: PURPOSE, PROCESS, PRODUCT