
New guidance for the quiz tool now available

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We’ve recently updated our guidance for quizzes in the Brightspace Staff Resources area. Over the past year there has been a significant uptake in the use of this tool as well as several improvements to the platform so in response we have re-written the guidance for quizzes to cover common use cases and queries and… Read more » about New guidance for the quiz tool now available

MUSE is on the way

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What is MUSE? The Mid-Unit Student Evaluation (MUSE) is a survey designed to encourage students to reflect on their progress to date and feed back on their learning experience, including views on any summative or formative feedback received during their current unit. This information enables tutors to incorporate any necessary enhancements moving forward, therefore adding… Read more » about MUSE is on the way

LT online drop-ins in March

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Learning Technologists continue to be online at 11am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These sessions are run via Zoom and can be accessed via the Brightspace Staff Resources Workshops and Drop-in pages. Simply click on the link in the table on the day between 11-11.30am to join. We’re here to support you and try our best to answer your queries concerning… Read more » about LT online drop-ins in March

Sharing Panopto videos from Brightspace

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When you have recorded a Zoom session or recorded a video using Panopto, you will receive an email from Panopto to notify you that the recording has been processed. To share the recording you must embed the video using the steps outlined in the video below. Embedding videos in Brightspace content Embedding the video means… Read more » about Sharing Panopto videos from Brightspace

LT online drop-ins this February

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Learning Technologists continue to be online at 11am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These sessions are run via Zoom and can be accessed via the Brightspace Staff Resources Workshops and Drop-in pages. Simply click on the link in the table on the day between 11-11.30am to join. Come and share your Brightspace and TEL-related enquiries…. Read more » about LT online drop-ins this February

Rubrics for effective marking and feedback

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As we begin a new semester, it seems timely to think about some of the benefits of using rubrics for marking, and sharing rubric marking criteria and feedback with students. What is a rubric?  Rubrics are used to evaluate an assignment or activity based on a predefined set of criteria. They help ensure that assignments… Read more » about Rubrics for effective marking and feedback

Manage and encourage engagement with Intelligent Agents

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Intelligent Agents are one of Brightspace’s most powerful tools. They can be used to delve into unit analytics and enhance the student experience by providing immediate, personalised feedback by email. And emails can be configured to be sent from your personal email address rather than from ‘Brightspace’ (they are totally separate to notifications, so students… Read more » about Manage and encourage engagement with Intelligent Agents

Facilitating teaching and learning online with Brightspace

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As we move into the next semester, here is a timely reminder of some of the digital tools at your disposal to facilitate your online teaching delivery. LEARNING DELIVERY Pre-recording lecture materials Panopto can be used from your office, or at home, to create recordings providing you with the opportunity to create more detailed content… Read more » about Facilitating teaching and learning online with Brightspace

Working with Panopto folders

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Creating a Panopto folder on your unit Thanks to the integration of Zoom with Brightspace, any recordings done via Brightspace will automatically populate into the Panopto folder on that unit. But first you need to take the simple step of making sure your Brightspace unit has a Panopto folder.  To do this, simply click on… Read more » about Working with Panopto folders