Assessment and feedback

Preparing for Curriculum Design

Statue in garden

Effective assessment and feedback is underpinned by sound curriculum design. Some programme teams may have participated in LEAP (Learning Excellence Acceleration Programme) workshops on curriculum design led by staff from the Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL), the forerunner of FLIE and will be familiar with some of the pedagogic building blocks of curriculum design… Read more » about Preparing for Curriculum Design

Generic Assessment Criteria – new QAA guidance.

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The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, the QAA, has issued new guidance on degree outcome descriptions for Level 6. At BU, the Centre for Fusion Learning, Innovation and Excellence (FLIE) and Academic Quality are reviewing the wording of the current BU Generic Assessment Criteria to ensure they are in alignment with this new… Read more » about Generic Assessment Criteria – new QAA guidance.

Effective feedback

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At BU we have adopted the principle of assessment for learning and this is explicit in academic policy documents, particularly policies 6f (Generic Assessment Criteria Procedure) and 6c (Principles of Assessment Design). Providing feedback on assignments in such a way that it contributes to learning, in addition to justifying or confirming the mark or grade,… Read more » about Effective feedback

Adding discipline/profession specific statements to the Generic Assessment Criteria.

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My last FLIE Blog post  explained principles underpinning the BU Generic Assessment Criteria. In this post I want to share an example of adding additional feedback comments which contextualise the expectations for a specific discipline or profession. Colleagues from the Law programme team in BUBS worked together, in consultation with FLIE,  to develop additional feedback… Read more » about Adding discipline/profession specific statements to the Generic Assessment Criteria.

Making full use of the BU Generic Assessment Criteria.

Statue in garden

The current form of the Generic Assessment Criteria (Academic Regulations Policies and Procedures 6f) is the outcome of a collaborative project led by the Centre for Excellence in Learning, the forerunner of FLIE, involving Faculty representatives, the BU Students Union, and Academic Quality, with scrutiny and input from committees, staff consultation events and final ratification… Read more » about Making full use of the BU Generic Assessment Criteria.

Rubrics for effective marking and feedback

Brightspace logo

As we begin a new semester, it seems timely to think about some of the benefits of using rubrics for marking, and sharing rubric marking criteria and feedback with students. What is a rubric?  Rubrics are used to evaluate an assignment or activity based on a predefined set of criteria. They help ensure that assignments… Read more » about Rubrics for effective marking and feedback

Online learning@BU

Me at BU logo

As we move into another period with the focus on online teaching and learning, a reminder of the resources available via the Me@BU link on the Brightspace homepage. A collaboration by staff from various teams across the university, the Online learning@BU section provides advice and resources to support students when studying from home and online…. Read more » about Online learning@BU

Badges and awards – why?

Brightspace award badge

Did you know that you can create and award badges in Brightspace?  There’s a badge for it, too. Some research shows that students like them, and that they can improve student engagement and motivation (Roy and Clarke 2019). Badges can work well in formative assessment, for participation and to some extent for achievement or institutional… Read more » about Badges and awards – why?

Brightspace Awards Case Study

Brightspace award badge

The Brightspace Awards tool follows the concept of gamification and provides a system by which a certain achievement, or collection of achievements, can be acknowledged and recognised by issuing a badge or certificate as a form of micro-credential accredited by the Department or issuing organisation. Badges and certificates can be automatically generated using release conditions,… Read more » about Brightspace Awards Case Study

Helping students understand assessment and feedback

Understanding Assessment and Feedback

How can you help your students to understand their assessment and feedback? The Assessment and Feedback toolkit provides lots of resources on some of the tools and strategies to align your assessment and feedback practices within BU policy. And now FLIE have produced this new ‘at-a-glance’ guide to support academic staff in implementing some of… Read more » about Helping students understand assessment and feedback