
Quick tips for Zoom and Panopto

Zoom and Panopto logos

As Semester 1 gets into full swing, we’re all getting more familiar with the tools available for teaching online and their functionality. Here are a few pointers to help you use these tools effectively for your online teaching delivery. Create a Panopto folder on your unit Thanks to the integration of Zoom with Brightspace, any… Read more » about Quick tips for Zoom and Panopto

Improving student engagement with Panopto Quizzes

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Are you worried that students are not engaging with your Panopto presentations? Lets face it, no matter how interesting the subject, sitting in front of a screen for long periods can be rather tedious. So how about micro lectures? why not break that 50 minute or 2 hour presentation down into bite size chunks of… Read more » about Improving student engagement with Panopto Quizzes

Delivering lectures online using Panopto

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Panopto can be used to live stream lectures to large audiences using its live webcast functionality with no limit on the number of students attending. Students access the live stream from a link created on the Brightspace unit in advance. The live session is automatically recorded and can be added to the content area of… Read more » about Delivering lectures online using Panopto

LT Drop in clinics this week

The week beginning Monday 30th March the Learning Technologists will be running further online drop-in clinics each day. This week we’re going to focus on providing advice and support around using Panopto, whether that be for running a live webcast or pre-recording sessions. No need to book, just turn up at a time that suits… Read more » about LT Drop in clinics this week

Using YouTube in Panopto Lecture Capture.

Are you worried about the copyright implications of using a YouTube clip while recording a lecture or presentation? Well, there is a way around that. First, either pause the recording while the clip is playing, or edit the clip after the recording has uploaded.     Then in Edit, click the YouTube icon in the… Read more » about Using YouTube in Panopto Lecture Capture.