
Comparing results over time with Mentimeter

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With Mentimeter it’s possible to use the same presentation several times in different sessions with different audiences.  But did you know you can collect and compare answers on slides and identify trends? When you ‘Reset Results’ for your presentations to start a new round of voting, the previous results are actually stored and you can… Read more » about Comparing results over time with Mentimeter

Mentimeter ‘Pin on Image’ question type

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Mentimeter is an audience response system which allows you to pose questions during a live session and then display the answers back to your audience in real time through various visualisations. It’s completely anonymous and works particularly well with large cohorts where less confident students have the opportunity to make their voice heard. Mentimeter have… Read more » about Mentimeter ‘Pin on Image’ question type

Mentimeter webinars reminder – 27th and 28th Jan

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Mentimeter will be running two interactive webinars this week aimed at both beginners and more advanced users of Mentimeter. Join us to find out how Mentimeter can help you to bring engagement and interactivity to your online teaching in 2021. Get Started with Mentimeter – Wed 27th Jan 10am-11am During this webinar you will get an introduction to Mentimeter… Read more » about Mentimeter webinars reminder – 27th and 28th Jan

Beginner and Advanced Mentimeter webinars – Wed 27th and Thu 28th Jan

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Mentimeter will be running two interactive webinars this January aimed at both beginners and more advanced users of Mentimeter. Join us to find out how Mentimeter can help you to bring engagement and interactivity to your online teaching in 2021. Get Started with Mentimeter – Wed 27th Jan 10am-11am During this webinar you will get… Read more » about Beginner and Advanced Mentimeter webinars – Wed 27th and Thu 28th Jan

Sharing templates and themes in Mentimeter

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Did you know you can share Mentimeter templates and themes with your colleagues? You might have a presentation template that is used by several members of the teaching team across your department, or you may have created a theme that your colleagues would like to utilise. Mentimeter’s new Groups functionality means you can now create… Read more » about Sharing templates and themes in Mentimeter

Mentimeter planned maintenance – Saturday 26th December 9:00am -10:30 am

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Mentimeter is undergoing planned maintenance on Saturday, December 26th from 09:00 – 10:30 am. It will not be possible to access (to create and edit presentations) or (to access live presentations) during this time. Normal service will resume following the downtime. Apologies for any inconvenience.  

Getting started with Mentimeter

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Have you started using interactive presentations with Mentimeter yet? Mentimeter offer regular free webinars to help you get to know everything you need to start running your own Mentimeter presentations. You’ll learn the basic functions of Mentimeter including: How and when to use Mentimeter How to create and edit your own presentations How and when… Read more » about Getting started with Mentimeter

CELebrate 2017: A pedagogical approach to fostering assessment for learning and student engagement through the use of smartphones

A pedagogical approach to fostering assessment for learning and student engagement through the use of smartphones: a practitioner experience. Abstract: Different types of assessment abound in existing literature. The focus of the presentation however was on Assessment for Learning which is formative in nature and can be strategised in different ways to enhance the student learning experience…. Read more » about CELebrate 2017: A pedagogical approach to fostering assessment for learning and student engagement through the use of smartphones