
Sharing Panopto videos from Brightspace

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When you have recorded a Zoom session or recorded a video using Panopto, you will receive an email from Panopto to notify you that the recording has been processed. To share the recording you must embed the video using the steps outlined in the video below. Embedding videos in Brightspace content Embedding the video means… Read more » about Sharing Panopto videos from Brightspace

Running a successful Zoom session

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We’re all getting familiar with presenting on Zoom and utilising its technical capabilities, but how can you maximise engagement in your online teaching sessions and aim to give the best experience to your participants? Here we share some best practice tips to help your Zoom sessions run successfully. Practice makes perfect Maybe you’re new to… Read more » about Running a successful Zoom session

Generic Assessment Criteria – new QAA guidance.

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The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, the QAA, has issued new guidance on degree outcome descriptions for Level 6. At BU, the Centre for Fusion Learning, Innovation and Excellence (FLIE) and Academic Quality are reviewing the wording of the current BU Generic Assessment Criteria to ensure they are in alignment with this new… Read more » about Generic Assessment Criteria – new QAA guidance.

Zoom and Panopto recordings in Semester 2

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Scheduling Zoom sessions from Brightspace When scheduling Zoom sessions from Brightspace there’s a few settings to note. These are all ticked by default but here’s a quick explanation of what they do: ✔ Passcode – The passcode is mandatory and essential to prevent Zoom bombing. Students will not be required to enter the passcode when they join… Read more » about Zoom and Panopto recordings in Semester 2

Mentimeter webinar resources

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Mentimeter recently delivered two webinars for colleagues at BU which were very well received. In the first webinar ‘Get started with Mentimeter’, participants learnt the basics of Mentimeter including how and when to use it, creating and editing presentations, and the types and uses of different questions. The second webinar, ‘Take the next step with… Read more » about Mentimeter webinar resources

LT online drop-ins this February

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Learning Technologists continue to be online at 11am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These sessions are run via Zoom and can be accessed via the Brightspace Staff Resources Workshops and Drop-in pages. Simply click on the link in the table on the day between 11-11.30am to join. Come and share your Brightspace and TEL-related enquiries…. Read more » about LT online drop-ins this February

Rubrics for effective marking and feedback

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As we begin a new semester, it seems timely to think about some of the benefits of using rubrics for marking, and sharing rubric marking criteria and feedback with students. What is a rubric?  Rubrics are used to evaluate an assignment or activity based on a predefined set of criteria. They help ensure that assignments… Read more » about Rubrics for effective marking and feedback

Mentimeter webinars reminder – 27th and 28th Jan

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Mentimeter will be running two interactive webinars this week aimed at both beginners and more advanced users of Mentimeter. Join us to find out how Mentimeter can help you to bring engagement and interactivity to your online teaching in 2021. Get Started with Mentimeter – Wed 27th Jan 10am-11am During this webinar you will get an introduction to Mentimeter… Read more » about Mentimeter webinars reminder – 27th and 28th Jan

Manage and encourage engagement with Intelligent Agents

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Intelligent Agents are one of Brightspace’s most powerful tools. They can be used to delve into unit analytics and enhance the student experience by providing immediate, personalised feedback by email. And emails can be configured to be sent from your personal email address rather than from ‘Brightspace’ (they are totally separate to notifications, so students… Read more » about Manage and encourage engagement with Intelligent Agents

QAA – Building a Taxonomy for Digital Learning

The QAA has issued guidance on “Building a Taxonomy for Digital Learning”. This guidance is designed to support academics to develop ways of talking about digital methods of delivery, to articulate what students can reasonably expect, and to assure that both quality, and standards, are maintained. The guidance can be accessed here if you are… Read more » about QAA – Building a Taxonomy for Digital Learning