Events and workshops

CELebrate 2017: Creating sizzling businesses using practitioner feed-forward and authentic assessment

Blended, Flipped and Fried: Creating sizzling businesses using practitioner feed-forward and authentic assessment, Keith Pretty Keith Pretty shared the challenges, solutions and his evolving Blended, Flipped and Fried approach to creating sizzling learning and assessment experiences. His work pertains to the Level 6 Business Development and Enterprise unit which is focused on the creation of businesses… Read more » about CELebrate 2017: Creating sizzling businesses using practitioner feed-forward and authentic assessment

Brightspace drop-in sessions on 27th July, 1st and 2nd August – in person or online

Brightspace logo

Now that the majority of staff have received their initial Brightspace training in readiness for the semester 1 rollout, we are still delivering face-to-face training for staff and now transitioning to a less structured and more personalised support model of drop-in sessions for academic staff. We have organised the first three sessions: Thursday 27 July. … Read more » about Brightspace drop-in sessions on 27th July, 1st and 2nd August – in person or online

Free spaces/ Active Learning Conference with masterclasses on team based learning: teams thinking about changing practice very welcome.

Dear BU colleagues Please see below – Anglia Ruskin are developing significant expertise and a reputation for active learning approaches; Prof Mike Sharples is an expert of MOOCs and mobile learning. ==== Anglia Ruskin University is running an Active Learning Conference on 12 September 2017 at our Cambridge Campus with pre-conference masterclasses on 11 September…. Read more » about Free spaces/ Active Learning Conference with masterclasses on team based learning: teams thinking about changing practice very welcome.

Findings CEL-funded project disseminated in Nepal

On Thursday 27th April BU staff presented at a dissemination meeting on research conducted into Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in Nursing in Nepal. At the moment nurses in Nepal can stay registered for decades without any evidence of updating their knowledge or recent work experience.  The qualitative research included eight focus groups with a range of nurses from… Read more » about Findings CEL-funded project disseminated in Nepal

British Conference of Undergraduate Research 2017 takes place in Bournemouth

This week Bournemouth University welcomes hundreds of undergraduate students from over 60 universities to present their research as part of the 2017 British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR). The annual conference is an opportunity to celebrate student research from across many different disciplines.  Since 2011, BCUR has been hosted by a different British university, with… Read more » about British Conference of Undergraduate Research 2017 takes place in Bournemouth

CELebrate 2017 – don’t forget to submit your abstract!

Call for abstracts for the CELebrate 2017 conference. . The theme of this one day regional conference, organised by the BU Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL), is Assessment & Feedback, and we welcome abtracts for presenting your ideas at the conference, whether this is to report on and share pedagogic research or to report… Read more » about CELebrate 2017 – don’t forget to submit your abstract!

Wednesday 7th June Invitation to the ‘Aspiring Teaching Fellows’ networking event, run by NTFs for aspiring NTFs’

Bournemouth University are hosting a free networking event: Wednesday 7th June Invitation to the ‘Aspiring Teaching Fellows’ networking event, run by NTFs for aspiring NTFs’ This event aims to support staff who wish to develop a national profile and who aim to pursue a National Teaching Fellowship. The event will provide networking opportunities and will offer discussion… Read more » about Wednesday 7th June Invitation to the ‘Aspiring Teaching Fellows’ networking event, run by NTFs for aspiring NTFs’

Working with Bournemouth and Poole College on TEL

Over 300 staff from Bournemouth and Poole College (BPC) spent the afternoon today on Talbot campus for their Teacher’s Conference.  In addition to a keynote speech from educationalist and former HMI, Harriet Harper, over 100 staff opted to attend one of the three TEL workshops hosted by CEL. The TEL workshops were entitled “Teaching using… Read more » about Working with Bournemouth and Poole College on TEL