13th June CELebrate2018: Teaching, Technology and the TEF (keynote speaker Sarah Knight from JISC)


This year our CEL ‘CELebration’ events were Faculty based with a series of Faculty led Assessment and Feedback fiestas, conferences and laboratories. For CELebrate2018, the key theme that arose from working with staff across the University, was working with large groups.

In this year’s CELebrate symposium, we are convening a range of different opportunities to work with staff in thinking about approaches to teaching, learning and assessment, offering small group opportunities to craft the perfect large lecture, to assess large groups effectively, and to frame the policy setting especially in reference to the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and how to work with metrics as we know from research that students in large groups are most likely to score us down.

Large groups make a significant impact on all of our student experiences. The open spaces in CELebrate2018 are to debate:

  • How can I manage, inspire and assess large groups?
  • How can the VLE help me achieve a better learning experience for my students that I can measure?
  • How can I create a fabulous large group lecture that will set the scene for my unit?
  • How can I incorporate creative methods into large groups?
  • How do I work with data, especially the National Student Survey (NSS) metrics, to help improve BU scores, internally and externally

Come and work with us on to Weds June 13th to Celebrate and share your achievements, and take the next steps as we start to plan BU2025.

Eventbrite sign-ups coming soon!


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