Monthly Archives: October 2018

MA Corporate Communication students experience LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

Tauheed Ramjaun, Lecturer In Corporate Communications, FMC attended a Lego workshop run by the Centre of Excellence. CEL has boxes of lego to loan out if you are interested in using it for education. Here is his report of using Lego. During this first week of teaching, I had the opportunity to apply the LEGO®… Read more » about MA Corporate Communication students experience LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

Assessment and Feedback Toolkit now available!

Colleagues, We are delighted to announce the launch of CEL’s Assessment and Feedback Toolkit, found here: This is a ‘live’ toolkit, so we will be adding and updating it regularly; we hope there are enough resources on here at the moment to support you all with the documentation changes for 6C. Please note we… Read more » about Assessment and Feedback Toolkit now available!