How to stand out from the crowd

The Postgraduate Development Award (PGDA) is meant for Master’s students at BU and is designed to help your professional and personal development apart from academic studies. Basically it is a system that gives points to certain activities that you participate in during your time at BU. The award encourages you to come out of your… Read more » about How to stand out from the crowd

Our New Year’s resolutions

We asked our bloggers to tell us their New Year’s resolutions, and here’s what they had to say! Lauren Bishop My resolutions are not so much New Year’s ones as on-going things I want to achieve: doing well in my Master’s, getting super fit on my bike, performing well in my job and generally being… Read more » about Our New Year’s resolutions

Things you might not know about Adult Nursing

I arrived at Bournemouth University in September 2014 bright eyed and bushy tailed, but with no real idea of what I was really letting myself in for! I knew I wanted to be a nurse, but it wasn’t until I got to university that I realised I didn’t really know what the next three years… Read more » about Things you might not know about Adult Nursing

Law at BU: is it for me?

Being a first year, it was only a few months ago I was in the same position as I’m sure a lot of you reading this are; you have finally worked out what you’d like to do at uni, but you’re still not sure which university is right for you. This decision is difficult for… Read more » about Law at BU: is it for me?

A week in the life of a Sports Management student

From finance and development to the gym and drinking Fosters (not at the same time I might add), a week in the life of a second year Sports Management student at BU is entertaining and varied. As I’m sure you agree, Mondays are a struggle (even if mine do start at 1pm). Luckily though, mine… Read more » about A week in the life of a Sports Management student

How did I get here?

I could make a joke about the awful road works on the A338, but we know that’s not the type of journey you’re interested in when you ask a Master’s student, ‘how did you get here?’ However, the process of deciding to do a Master’s degree is like a road trip: you will inevitably hit… Read more » about How did I get here?

My first month at BU

University is the biggest change in your life and can be taken in many ways. Some choose to embrace every aspect by joining societies, working hard, spending money and going out in the evenings. I like to have a balance of all four of these things. At first, as it was Freshers’ Fortnight, I tended… Read more » about My first month at BU

BU’s wonderful student support and advice network

BU has an incredibly useful and successful student support and advice network which spans every aspect of BU and every campus. This section of the uni can help you deal with anything from housing issues through to changing course and is a vital resource for any and every student at BU. Whether it is when… Read more » about BU’s wonderful student support and advice network

My experience of the Postgraduate Development Award

Joining the Postgraduate Development Award is one of the best decisions I have ever made. The PGDA allowed me to fully develop myself personally and professionally, and has given me transferable skills which will benefit me for my whole life! I achieved the Gold Award and Outstanding Contribution Award which is something I am very… Read more » about My experience of the Postgraduate Development Award

Five things to consider when creating a university shortlist

Academic Reputation University is a big commitment, so before deciding upon where you want to study, it’s important you do a bit of research. A key thing most people consider is the reputation that the university has; you can find out this information by looking at university league tables and ratings in the Guardian and… Read more » about Five things to consider when creating a university shortlist

Freshers’ halls guide: Chesil House

MY NAME IS LAUREN AND I AM A PUBLIC RELATIONS STUDENT, CURRENTLY ON MY PLACEMENT YEAR. IN MY FIRST YEAR I LIVED IN CHESIL HOUSE. So, why did I choose Chesil House? Bournemouth University was the last university I visited, so I skipped the halls tour because once you’ve seen one student halls you’ve seen… Read more » about Freshers’ halls guide: Chesil House