Corey - North Bali Conservation Project - scuba diving

How studying Ecology and Wildlife Conservation at BU took me to work at North Bali Conservation

I chose to study BSc (Hons) Ecology & Wildlife and Conservation at Bournemouth University as I found the course to be an excellent broad overview of many topics surrounding environmentalism and conservation. It offers knowledge in a range of fields that will allow you to narrow your focus of study on a niche area that… Read more » about How studying Ecology and Wildlife Conservation at BU took me to work at North Bali Conservation

A placement on the Falklands Islands looking after penguins

This guest blog is from Hannah, a final year BSc (Hons) Ecology and Wildlife Conservation student. She tells us about her time spent on placement working in the Falklands Islands on a conservation project.  I’m from North Wales, I started studying BSc (Hons) Ecology and Wildlife Conservation at BU when I was 22 after spending… Read more » about A placement on the Falklands Islands looking after penguins

Generational Equity and Sustainable Environment: a Common Goal for All.

Taken for Granted The world’s natural resources are fast depleting; globally, human beings are using them faster than they can naturally replenish themselves and we are not also replacing or replanting as much as we take or at the pace we explore where possible. For instance, reports have emerged that the fashion industry is not… Read more » about Generational Equity and Sustainable Environment: a Common Goal for All.

My experiences of studying at BU and being hard of hearing

This is a guest blog by Caitlin McQuillan, currently studying BSc (Hons) Ecology and Wildlife Conservation. I’m just entering my placement year, where I will be a Countryside Ranger, based at Hengistbury Head and Stour Valley Nature Reserve. I chose this course because I have a passion for the environment and helping to protect it,… Read more » about My experiences of studying at BU and being hard of hearing

My journey from the Military to university through Clearing at BU

This is a guest blog written by Chris Jefford, a current BSc (Hons) Environmental Science with Foundation Year student. My Journey to university really started after I was discharged from the Royal Navy after 12 years of service. I wasn’t sure what to do with my life, but I knew I had to return to… Read more » about My journey from the Military to university through Clearing at BU