Packing uni essentials for the different seasons-international student perspective

Peculiar Piles of Precious Possessions Thinking of what to pack in your suitcases is probably one of the most challenging, and sometimes quite a frustrating, experiences. You are probably trying your best to squeeze your whole wardrobe into the tiny little suitcase and struggling with the weight limit imposed by the abhorrent policy that the… Read more » about Packing uni essentials for the different seasons-international student perspective

The difference in teaching versus my home country

Rigid Rulers vs Radiant Rebels: The comparison between authority teaching method and flexible as well as encouraging teaching style. The biggest difference in teaching methods between Taiwan and the UK is the fact that back home everything has a correct answer, and the teaching is more one-way and authority-based; whereas, in the UK, the teaching… Read more » about The difference in teaching versus my home country

Student Ambassador Kiya with a friend

Ways to enjoy university life without alcohol

Starting university can be a daunting experience, especially if you’re worried about fitting in without relying on alcohol. I remember feeling the same way, but I found effective strategies to make friends and feel at home without alcohol. Here’s how you can do it too. Making Friends Before Arriving One of the best decisions I… Read more » about Ways to enjoy university life without alcohol

Dream Team film

My experience of producing short films as part of my MA Creative Writing and Publishing

This is a guest blog by Susan L. Edser, MA Creative Writing and Publishing student at BU. ‘No one cares what you went through,’ the internationally renowned filmmaker Imruh Bakari says. ‘All that matters is what is on the screen.’ I have been on a crash course in filmmaking over the last few months, and this… Read more » about My experience of producing short films as part of my MA Creative Writing and Publishing

Young man standing in front of a plane wearing a high vis jacket

My journey through a degree apprenticeship: a path to excellence

Hello, I’m Elliott, and I’m excited to share my journey as a degree apprentice at Bournemouth University, employed by Draken. I recently won the Dorset Apprenticeship Award for 2024 which was an incredible honour, and in this blog, I would like to reflect on the experiences and the opportunities that have shaped my path. Before… Read more » about My journey through a degree apprenticeship: a path to excellence

Why I chose BU!

Choosing Bournemouth University (BU) was a pivotal decision in my educational and career journey, driven by my desire to acquire a diverse skill set that would enhance both my degree in Media Production and my future career prospects. I sought a university that not only offered relevant academic modules but also provided a vibrant extracurricular… Read more » about Why I chose BU!

Tia West

I released myself into Clearing and it was the best decision!

Hi! My name is Tia, and I am currently studying BSc (Hons) Design Engineering at Bournemouth University and I received my offer through Clearing! I decided to go through Clearing because I wanted to be sure that I was progressing onto a course that was right for me and would set me up for the… Read more » about I released myself into Clearing and it was the best decision!

collage of two photos. Young women having a picnic at the beach. Young women at a Student Union fair, with a table of temporary tattoos.

Why I chose Bournemouth University

Choosing your university is about more than just what courses are on offer. You’re deciding where you’re going to spend the next three to four years, where you’re going to learn and grow and start a whole new life. Luckily for me, my decision to study at Bournemouth University wasn’t difficult, because I took everything… Read more » about Why I chose Bournemouth University

Zoe standing in front of a big #I Love Nice sign

My study abroad experience in Nice as an Events Management student

My name is Zoe Chinnock, I am originally from the Cotswolds in the UK and I am studying BA (Hons) Events Management at Bournemouth University. Going to university has always been a goal of mine and when I attended the Open Day at Bournemouth, the versatility, and the opportunities that the course offered me seemed… Read more » about My study abroad experience in Nice as an Events Management student