When trying to figure out what university you want to go to, there a several factors that people look out for. Some of these things are location, social life, halls of living, societies, and course type. This blog will tell you everything Bournemouth has to offer and make it easier for you if you are… Read more » about Why choose Bournemouth University?
How to prepare for and get the most out of a BU Open Day
I’ve created this vlog to help you get the most out of attending an Open Day at BU 🙌
5 reasons to attend a BU open day
Hey, it’s Lily and I’ve recorded a vlog about my 5 reasons why you should attend a BU open day – enjoy! 🙂 Hope to see you at a upcoming BU open day soon!
How to make the most of an open day
Open days can be the key to helping you decide which university you go to, but they can seem quite daunting and overwhelming – which is why I’ve put together a guide on making the most of your time at an Open Day, so that you can really discover why BU is for you! First… Read more » about How to make the most of an open day
Why I chose my course in BU
Why Tourism Management? I am happiest when I am travelling. I absolutely love creating itineraries. The research itself is enlightening. I have often planned travel and accommodation for myself as well as friends and family. All those successfully executed plans gave me a sense of achievement and pushed me in the direction of taking formal… Read more » about Why I chose my course in BU
My top preparation tips ahead of an Open Day
Hello. In this vlog, I share my top tips for how to get the most out of a uni Open Day visit. For example, the sorts of things to look out for whilst at the uni, and preparing yourself for what you want to get out of your day. Hope it’s helpful!
My tips for attending an Open Day
If you’re thinking about applying to a university but would like to find out more then an Open Day is a great way to start. When planning for an Open Day, it can take some preparation to get organised and decide where you need to be and when. It’s worth looking at the Open Day… Read more » about My tips for attending an Open Day
Welcome to BU…hopefully!
Hello there. I’m Alfie, a 23-year-old first year BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism student. I hope you’re excited to hopefully start your journey here at Bournemouth University soon. It’s just coming to the end of my first year and it’s been a blast so far – I couldn’t recommend BU enough! I’m just going to give you… Read more » about Welcome to BU…hopefully!
Available Part-Time Jobs in Bournemouth: the Perspective of an International Student
BU Employability and Career Bournemouth University has plans and programme which made my student experience a convenient one; during my term times, I attended lectures and worked either on my personal computer or on the university premises. I did not have to be too much engaged elsewhere and that afforded me the little convenience that… Read more » about Available Part-Time Jobs in Bournemouth: the Perspective of an International Student
Your Postgraduate Studies at BU; Tips on your Application as an International Student.
BU as your choice! Now that you have chosen Bournemouth University (BU) as your next place of education and development. You may have the assurance of the quality of postgraduate (PG) training being offered in various courses of studies by an array of disciplined but caring faculties with multicultural backgrounds at BU. In subsequent paragraphs,… Read more » about Your Postgraduate Studies at BU; Tips on your Application as an International Student.
How to choose your course and university
Starting university is daunting but it became a lot easier once I learned some tips and tricks. After completing my bachelor’s degree and now studying for my master’s degree, I have learned along the way that choosing your degree can be a fun experience! Here are a few of my top tips for choosing your… Read more » about How to choose your course and university
Accommodation Reviews from a BU Student
Choosing accommodation for university can be tough, but here are a few things I’d like to share with you from my experiences living in Student Village, Unilet, Private Rented accommodation, and Lyme Regis House whilst studying at Bournemouth University!