Part-time jobs in Bournemouth

While it’d be ideal for most of us to spend all of our time immersed in the student community, in some cases it’s necessary to earn a few pennies at the same time as studying. Here I’ll give some examples of part-time work available locally. If you really can’t bear to tear yourself away from… Read more » about Part-time jobs in Bournemouth

BU graduate grabs dream job with help of AFC Bournemouth experience

Jasper Taylor studied Multimedia Journalism at Bournemouth University, graduating in 2014. He has subsequently gone on to work for Sky Sports News as a Junior Sub Editor. During his time at BU, Jasper worked for AFC Bournemouth, making feature videos and running a match-day blog. Jasper said, “Four multimedia journalism students joined AFC Bournemouth in… Read more » about BU graduate grabs dream job with help of AFC Bournemouth experience

Planes, trains and Formula 1: Breaking my way into the fast lane.

BU graduate Lucy Owen talks about how she’s gone from a Sports Management degree to the world of Formula 1… June 2012. Exams done. Final year complete. But that didn’t mean a clean break from work for the summer. Instead I started my first Graduate job just one week after my last exam, and headed… Read more » about Planes, trains and Formula 1: Breaking my way into the fast lane.

My Sandwich Degree: The Perfect Filling

The name whets the appetite of many prospective students, but what is a placement year all about? ‘Jammed’ in the middle of your studies at BU, you’re more than likely to undertake a 40-week placement as part of your degree, with many going to highly reputable companies such as Sony, Disney and Aston Martin just… Read more » about My Sandwich Degree: The Perfect Filling

Funding Fears

Let’s face it, one of the major worries about taking on postgraduate study is often the prospect of opening your wallet to find cobwebs instead of cash. The expectation of this occurrence can drive many people away from looking into postgraduate study, but there are ways to overcome the spectre of the empty purse.  … Read more » about Funding Fears

Part Time Work at University

By Leroy-Winston Scott 3rd year BU student, BA (Hons) Events Management We are all aware of the jokes that students can’t afford food, or that it is a very poor lifestyle. These jokes are true, we do have to learn how to budget and how to maintain a flow of finances that will allow us… Read more » about Part Time Work at University

The perks of being a Student Ambassador

To be one of a group who wear pink shirts as “Student Ambassadors” for Bournemouth University is not easy, but there are some nice advantages behind the position. And straight from my experience, Yes! First of all this job is definitely well paid above the average hourly rate for other part time jobs and the… Read more » about The perks of being a Student Ambassador

Media School from a final year’s perspective

By Sanita Lustika Third year BU student, BA (Hons) Digital Media Design I’m a final year Digital Media Design student and I’ve been a student ambassador for all 3 study years. Over the time I’ve come to love doing Media School facility tours. I enjoy the atmosphere in the school and at this point I… Read more » about Media School from a final year’s perspective

Your accommodation questions answered

Visit our new webpages to find out how and when to apply for accommodation.  1.     I’ve got BU as my insurance choice, am I able to secure my accommodation now? If you have selected BU as your insurance choice, you will be able to start the application process when you have met the conditions of your offer… Read more » about Your accommodation questions answered

An opportunity to study abroad…

By Michelle Lillywhite 2nd year BU Student, BA (Hons) Social Work When I got the email asking ‘What would you say to a placement in Colombia?’ there was really only one answer – YES! It was however closely followed by – How? That’s when I remembered the BU Global Horizons Fund. You see, BU support… Read more » about An opportunity to study abroad…