Applicant Open Days – what are they all about?

The magic moment you get that email from UCAS track is one I’ll never forget – you have an offer and it all starts to seem real. So firstly – congratulations from me! Here at BU they totally understand that not everyone can attend an Open Day during the autumn term, which is why we… Read more » about Applicant Open Days – what are they all about?

Thinking about a part-time job?

Alice Fiancet talks about balancing a job with study and the pros and cons of part-time work in Bournemouth… Having a part-time job can be challenging, worthwhile and rewarding… if you can get the balance right. And it’s a great way of ensuring you still have some cash come the end of Freshers’ week… There… Read more » about Thinking about a part-time job?

Why I chose BU

When it comes to selecting a university, it’s never an easy decision to make. You’ve finally got yourself prepared for those difficult A-levels and now you’re being asked to think even further into your future – you’re still not even sure whether your English skills trump your Science skills! Having to choose just one subject… Read more » about Why I chose BU

Uni Life and You

By Anushka Naidoo Final year BU student , BA (Hons) Communication and Media With the rise in Tuition Fees, more and more students are arguing that they are not getting value for money. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect from university life and what in turn is expected of you. Starting university can… Read more » about Uni Life and You

Why not give a little back?

By Michelle Lillywhite 2nd year BU Student, BA (Hons) Social Work I remember when I first came to see Bournemouth University – it was a lovely sunny day in September and after driving down from London I suddenly felt really out of my depth and kept asking myself ‘what did I think I was doing?’…. Read more » about Why not give a little back?

Media School from a final year’s perspective

By Sanita Lustika Third year BU student, BA (Hons) Digital Media Design I’m a final year Digital Media Design student and I’ve been a student ambassador for all 3 study years. Over the time I’ve come to love doing Media School facility tours. I enjoy the atmosphere in the school and at this point I… Read more » about Media School from a final year’s perspective

What to see at Bournemouth University Open Days

By Cassie Melrose BA (Hons) Retail Management Graduate Attending an open day can be a massive blur of talks and leaflets to read which don’t necessarily tell you everything you want to know so therefore I have given some tips for how I suggest you can best utilise the day. Tip 1:Pre-plan!! Look at and… Read more » about What to see at Bournemouth University Open Days

Your university needs YOU…!!

By Patricia Obawole 2nd year BU Student, LLB (Hons) Law Okay, so student loans, they are basically these god-sent gifts from the government that makes life just that little bit easier when you move off to university. They help you through thick and thin and will somehow become your best friend. So it’s all fine and… Read more » about Your university needs YOU…!!

Latest news from BU

New academic building on Talbot Campus We’re delighted to announce that planning permission has been granted for a new academic building on Talbot Campus. It’s due to open in 2016 and will feature seminar rooms, lecture theatres and learning spaces. To find out more about the new building, and see what it will look like… Read more » about Latest news from BU

The BIG Leap

By Daphne Oliveras Being a PG student at BU has given me a chance to face new challenges and rise above them like nothing before in my life. I’m not even out of my first semester and I already feel like a much better stronger person for having come here. One week after arriving at BU… Read more » about The BIG Leap