Why should you do a placement?

For their placements, Hayley and Hannah have stayed right here at Bournemouth University, working as Education Outreach Assistants. Here are their thoughts on why a placement is so important. “I’m sorry, but you’re over-qualified and under-experienced for this job.” The worst, but one of the most frequently heard phrases for graduates when fighting to find their feet… Read more » about Why should you do a placement?

How I changed my career path with a Master’s degree

Not everyone knows who they exactly want to become in the future before going to a university and most of them choose a major because it was the best option at that time. What if after completing your undergraduate programme, you realise that this isn’t really what you wanted? The answer, in my case, is… Read more » about How I changed my career path with a Master’s degree

Part-time jobs in Bournemouth

Many students work part-time during their studies either to earn extra money or to gain more practical experience. I also have, in fact, two part-time jobs at the moment, barista at Starbucks and student ambassador at BU, and in this blog I will share with you guys some information about what kinds of job are… Read more » about Part-time jobs in Bournemouth

I stayed at BU for my Master’s

Once you’ve decided to study a Master’s, choosing the course can be difficult enough let alone having to go through the whole process again of deciding which university to go to. When faced with this decision I had to do a lot of research and it was almost like the undergraduate process all over again!… Read more » about I stayed at BU for my Master’s

What you get from a Postgraduate Open Afternoon

University open days are known as opportunities for prospective students to explore the uni campuses, facilities or accommodation. On an open day the students can also gather information about potential courses they are aiming for and speak to staff or student ambassadors about what it would be like to study there. At BU, open days… Read more » about What you get from a Postgraduate Open Afternoon

Balancing study and a part-time job

Many students work part-time alongside studying, either because they need some extra funds or they just want to be independent. Some students also want to gain relevant experience to enhance their employability or simply want to explore life “out there”. Whatever the reason is, I believe a part-time job will surely benefit you in one… Read more » about Balancing study and a part-time job

Ten things I’ve learnt so far

Since starting at Bournemouth University in September, I’ve learnt so many things in a short space of time. It’s only since the first term has ended that I’ve had a chance to reflect and realise just how much of a journey it’s been. Here are ten of the main things I’ve picked up so far…. Read more » about Ten things I’ve learnt so far

How to stand out from the crowd

The Postgraduate Development Award (PGDA) is meant for Master’s students at BU and is designed to help your professional and personal development apart from academic studies. Basically it is a system that gives points to certain activities that you participate in during your time at BU. The award encourages you to come out of your… Read more » about How to stand out from the crowd

Time to get a job?

Raise your hand if you have ever run out of money? Raise your hand if you have ever spent way too much too quickly of your methodically planned budget? And last of all, raise your hand if you’re tired of always being broke? Have you kept your hand up for all three (or even just… Read more » about Time to get a job?

Don’t let funding concerns hold you back

After deciding to apply for the MSc Forensic Anthropology course at Bournemouth University, and having my conditional offer confirmed, the next part of the process was funding – how was I going to pay for it? For everyone, whether you’re considering a Master’s or actually doing one right now, a huge part of the decision… Read more » about Don’t let funding concerns hold you back

My first month at BU

University is the biggest change in your life and can be taken in many ways. Some choose to embrace every aspect by joining societies, working hard, spending money and going out in the evenings. I like to have a balance of all four of these things. At first, as it was Freshers’ Fortnight, I tended… Read more » about My first month at BU

My hunt for a part-time job

Finding a part-time job can be hard, but in the long run hard work pays off. In first year I didn’t bother getting a part time job as I wanted to fully experience university life as a first year. Personally this was a mistake and has led to a massive cost (let’s just say I’m… Read more » about My hunt for a part-time job