BU has been collaborating with Brightspace and other European Universities to improve the experience of using Turnitin with Brightspace. These improvements are now live and apply to both the 17/18 units that were delivered in Brightspace and to all 18/19 units. Further details available here
Brightspace and Turnitin: summer enhancements 2018
BU has been collaborating with Brightspace and other European universities to improve the experience of using Turnitin with Brightspace. Here are some of the big changes for the forthcoming academic year.
Key points from today’s Assessment Fiesta in HSS
This afternoon, the Assessment Fiesta for the department of Human Sciences and Public within HSS took place. Professor Debbie Holley opened the Fiesta and gave a short presentation on the wider context of education and the changing student demands over time, emphasising the role of assessment for education and inviting the attendees to make use of… Read more » about Key points from today’s Assessment Fiesta in HSS
Marking using the generic assessment criteria
Like many tutors at the start of semester 1, I embedded the new generic assessment criteria (GAC) into my unit’s assessment where appropriate. The criteria were added to the assignment briefs and explained in the Unit Handbook with links provided so that students could understand the ways in which their work would be marked and… Read more » about Marking using the generic assessment criteria
TEL Toolkit: Turnitin
Assignment submission and feedback software which incorporates text-matching to support academic writing, and a plagarism checker. We welcome your feedback and comments on your use of this tool in teaching and learning.