
HE Policy update w/e 3rd February 2017

Higher Education and Research Bill – the House of Lords committee stage has finished with no further amendments (other than non-controversial and welcome government amendments). Unlike in the House of Commons, where time was more limited and there was a great deal of focus on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), student loans, the impact of… Read more » about HE Policy update w/e 3rd February 2017

Accelerated degrees and switching courses – responses to government consultation

The Department for Education published findings from the Call for Evidence on Accelerated Courses and Switching Degrees on 20th December. This consultation closed in July 2016 – read BU’s response here. The high number of responses had been noted earlier, the report gives evidence of an interesting campaign: “we received responses from 44 higher education… Read more » about Accelerated degrees and switching courses – responses to government consultation

SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education – quick write up

Maggie Hutchings and myself went to the SRHE’s international conference in Wales to present our research exploring ideas of organisational learning and widening participation. Jacqueline Priego presented her research on participatory learning and undergraduate research assistants. The theme of the conference was Exploring Freedom and Control in global higher education. The thread running through the whole event was… Read more » about SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education – quick write up

Global Open Education Policy report – please do read!

Apologies for cross posting, but amazing work…Debbie ==== Greetings Open Education Friends: Please see the recently published: “Global Open Policy Report.”  This is a must read… I’m sharing on these OER lists because many of the open policies are about open education. Congratulations to the entire Open Policy Network team who created this incredible report!… Read more » about Global Open Education Policy report – please do read!

HE Policy update

Read the UUK evidence to the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee inquiry into industrial strategy. This highlights the role of universities in: • making long -term, sustainable contributions to productivity and growth, • creating the best possible environment for businesses to thrive • sustaining the world-class excellence of the UK’s research base to attract businesses… Read more » about HE Policy update

Open Education: webinar policy invitiation 2nd November

Webinar Invitation Open Education: Promoting Diversity for European Languages – Consultation on policy recommendations 2 November 2016, 11AM CET Speakers: Jim Ayre (European Schoolnet), Gard Titlestad (ICDE), Alastair Creelman (Linnaeus University), Marit Bijlsma (Fryske Akademy). Dear Open education colleagues, we are inviting key stakeholders to help finalise draft recommendations that are aimed at supporting the… Read more » about Open Education: webinar policy invitiation 2nd November

Translating evidence into policy: LSE Research

Jo Ingold and Mark Monaghan at LSE have researched the complex relationship between evidence and policy development. The authors seek to move the conversation about evidence-based policymaking towards a more nuanced understand that sees policy development “as fluid, dynamic and continually re-constituting, rather than a linear or rational ‘transfer’ process”. What emerges from their research is an… Read more » about Translating evidence into policy: LSE Research

Video series on Open Education Policy

From Cable Green, apologies for cross posting Mark Jenkins and Boyoung Chae at Open Washington asked me to share this new video series on open education policy: http://www.openwa.org/about-policy-video I have watched them all – and I highly recommend you take the time to watch them too. They are fabulous! The videos / discussions address: What… Read more » about Video series on Open Education Policy

Fair Access Regulation and Fair Access Research

  In a follow-up post to her thoughts about student loans, Hannah Arendt, and the limits of life, Dr Alex Wardrop discusses why an independent fair access regulator can help us tell stories about widening participation differently. “If we keep continue to speak the same language to each other, we will reproduce the same story. Begin… Read more » about Fair Access Regulation and Fair Access Research

Life? Don’t Talk to Me About Life!

Dr Alex Wardrop, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Fair Access to Higher Education, reflects on loans, life, and the limits of fair access. The Sutton Trust recently published a report by John Thompson outlining the impact of the Government’s proposed changes to the student loan repayment structure and removal of maintenance grants to economically disadvantaged students…. Read more » about Life? Don’t Talk to Me About Life!