The Future of Skills in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution

D2L (suppliers of Brightspace) have produced a whitepaper on the skills of the future and how new models of learning must be embraced to meet the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As automation rapidly consumes basic tasks in the workplace, they focus on how educational establishments must adapt to address the rising demand for… Read more » about The Future of Skills in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution

How do universities prepare graduates for jobs that don’t even exist?

65% of children entering primary schools today will work in jobs and functions that don’t currently exist.  In the midst of the fourth industrial revolution, how do we know what the future will look like? The ‘Solving future skills challenges’ report from Universities UK predicts a talent deficit, not just in technological skills but also… Read more » about How do universities prepare graduates for jobs that don’t even exist?

Volume 10(2) of the Journal of Information Literacy is now available at jil.lboro.ac.uk

Apologies for cross posting Dear Colleagues, I’m delighted to announce that volume 10(2) of the Journal of Information Literacy is now available at jil.lboro.ac.uk. Please find the table of contents below: a selection box of information literacy goodies for your festive enjoyment!   With every good wish, Emma. Articles   School libraries, political information and… Read more » about Volume 10(2) of the Journal of Information Literacy is now available at jil.lboro.ac.uk