10 reasons why lectures do not work

An interesting list of reasons from The Guardian (15 May 2014) of the 10 reasons why face-to-face lectures just don’t work: 1. Babylonian hour We only have hours because of the Babylonian base-60 number system, which first appeared around 3100 BC. But it has nothing to do with the psychology of learning. 2. Passive observers… Read more » about 10 reasons why lectures do not work

HE Policy update w/e 3rd February 2017

Higher Education and Research Bill – the House of Lords committee stage has finished with no further amendments (other than non-controversial and welcome government amendments). Unlike in the House of Commons, where time was more limited and there was a great deal of focus on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), student loans, the impact of… Read more » about HE Policy update w/e 3rd February 2017

TEL Toolkit 1st birthday

Today marks the day one year ago when we launched the TEL Toolkit.  In the past year, the toolkit has been visited over 6,000 times with more than 23,000 pages viewed. We continue to enhance and develop the TEL Toolkit with new guides, videos and tools so it you have not visited for a while,… Read more » about TEL Toolkit 1st birthday

Dipping your toe into the virtual classroom

A virtual classroom is an online environment where staff and students can come together and share audio, video, documents and applications.  One of the major benefits is that the session can be recorded and then made available to participants for example through the VLE.  It is not only for staff and students but can be… Read more » about Dipping your toe into the virtual classroom

What do our students think of TEL?

Technology enhanced learning (TEL) tools have a wide-ranging influence on our students be it via the VLE, recorded lectures, audience response systems or using WePresent to project from their own devices. CEL is seeking to collate videos of students’ experience of using any of our TEL tools.  These videos will be added to the TEL… Read more » about What do our students think of TEL?

Accelerated degrees and switching courses – responses to government consultation

The Department for Education published findings from the Call for Evidence on Accelerated Courses and Switching Degrees on 20th December. This consultation closed in July 2016 – read BU’s response here. The high number of responses had been noted earlier, the report gives evidence of an interesting campaign: “we received responses from 44 higher education… Read more » about Accelerated degrees and switching courses – responses to government consultation

HE policy update

Colleagues, please see below the recent policy update from Jane Forster, touching on Higher Education and Research Bill, Teaching Excellence Framework, Student Finance, International Students, Social Mobility, Brexit, Fair Access and Progression: Higher Education and Research Bill – The bill will reach the report stage on Monday 21st November, and a long list of new amendments… Read more » about HE policy update

Pedagogic CPD opportunities for BU staff – new for 2017

Enhance and develop your own Practice; gain a deeper understanding of Pedagogic Principles; share and develop your knowledge and skills with the CEL CPD opportunities Available for all BU staff, take a series of one or half day workshops (spread out over the semester) to extend your own CPD/ build your promotion profile/ move towards… Read more » about Pedagogic CPD opportunities for BU staff – new for 2017