
NVivo workshop and surgery – 4 November

As part of the Graduate School’s Research Development Programme 2016/17, Jacqueline Priego from CEL will be delivering an NVivo workshop. Details below: Date: 4 November 2016 Time: 9.00-11.00 Venue: S103 Bookings via myBU * Audience: This workshop is suitable for PGRs with some knowledge of qualitative analysis approaches. Intended learning outcomes. By the end of… Read more » about NVivo workshop and surgery – 4 November

Reminder: Drop in sessions and stalls for the student-led co-creation funding scheme

In view of the next round of call for the student-led co-creation fund, the Centre for Excellence in Learning and SUBU are setting up stalls and drop in sessions to provide interested final year undergraduate students and academics with relevant information about the funding scheme. The stalls and drop in sessions shall take place as per the following schedules:   Stalls: Monday… Read more » about Reminder: Drop in sessions and stalls for the student-led co-creation funding scheme

Presentation by Dr Sandra Goldsworthy, (Associate) Research Professor in Simulation Education, University of Calgary

12-1pm, Wednesday 19th October in EB702 Sandra Goldsworthy has kindly agreed to visit BU when she is visiting England next month. Sandra is a nurse academic from the University of Calgary, and her specialism is simulation education which I know is an area of great interest to many of us in BU. She has kindly agreed to… Read more » about Presentation by Dr Sandra Goldsworthy, (Associate) Research Professor in Simulation Education, University of Calgary

Drop in sessions and stalls for the student-led co-creation funding scheme

In view of the next round of call for the student-led co-creation fund, the Centre for Excellence in Learning and SUBU are setting up stalls and drop in sessions to provide interested final year undergraduate students and academics with relevant information about the funding scheme. The stalls and drop in sessions shall take place as per the following schedules:   Stalls: Monday… Read more » about Drop in sessions and stalls for the student-led co-creation funding scheme

What does research-informed teaching look like?

The HEA together with the University Alliance have issued a paper – a collection of case studies -which might help explain this. Given the REF’s new broader definition of impact and the TEF which has research-informed teaching as an indicator of quality this is certainly a useful and  timely read.          

Call for student-led co-creation project proposals – 25 Nov 16

The Centre for Excellence in Learning is pleased to invite applications for its Student-Led Co-creation Projects. The co-creation project funds student-led, collaborative projects delivering co-created outputs between an academic and a student. Whether that’s a paper, presentation or product, the output is important. Projects don’t have to form part of a particular unit of a curriculum and it… Read more » about Call for student-led co-creation project proposals – 25 Nov 16

The development of a co-creational toolkit to explain psychological theories and their applications to real life problems.

Dr Erika Borkoles reports on a project supported by the CEL Fusion Investment Fund. The project’s aim was to develop a series of co-creational vodcasts to enhance students’ critical thinking skills when applying psychological theories to practice. The vodcasts were co-created with students, who advised staff on the content and format of the vodcasts. There were 5… Read more » about The development of a co-creational toolkit to explain psychological theories and their applications to real life problems.

The first year student experience – ‘stay-at-home’ students

Colleagues, A ‘hot-off-the-press’ publication exploring students experience living at home – maybe of interest to staff busy welcoming our new students ===== Commuting, transitions and belonging: the experiences of students living at home in their first year at university (Pokorny, Holley, Kane) In this study, our cross-case analysis of students’ lives challenges the conventional home–university… Read more » about The first year student experience – ‘stay-at-home’ students

High Impact Pedagogies

Anne Quinney, CEL Theme Leader, attended a one day event at Southampton University on 7th September for the launch of a new report ‘Engaged students learning; high impact pedagogies ‘ published by the Higher Education Academy (HEA). The report sets out the findings of a systematic review carried out by researchers at the University of… Read more » about High Impact Pedagogies

Translating evidence into policy: LSE Research

Jo Ingold and Mark Monaghan at LSE have researched the complex relationship between evidence and policy development. The authors seek to move the conversation about evidence-based policymaking towards a more nuanced understand that sees policy development “as fluid, dynamic and continually re-constituting, rather than a linear or rational ‘transfer’ process”. What emerges from their research is an… Read more » about Translating evidence into policy: LSE Research