Blended learning

Special Edition on Flexible Pedagogies in Higher Education *Call for Expressions of Interest*

Special Edition on Flexible Pedagogies in Higher Education  *Call for Expressions of Interest*  In a fluid, dynamic and global world, higher education systems cannot but exhibit flexibility and it is right that they should do so; equally it is crucial that we recognise and embrace different ways of thinking about flexible learning that reflect the… Read more » about Special Edition on Flexible Pedagogies in Higher Education *Call for Expressions of Interest*

HE policy update w/e 3rd March 2017

Industrial Strategy The Government launched the Industrial Strategy Green Paper and consultation at the end of January. The paper focuses on improving Britain’s innovation and productivity in key areas alongside upskilling the workforce to become world leading. The government suggest a number sectors to support: clean energy robotics healthcare space technology quantum technology advanced computing… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 3rd March 2017

Working through the blended learning module

‘At its simplest, blended learning is the integration of classroom face-to-face learning experiences with online learning experiences.’ (Garrison and Kanuka 2004 p 96). Blended learning is a key pedagogy at BU and a core component in the TEL Toolkit. The topic of blended learning is expanding in both use and importance so it is vital… Read more » about Working through the blended learning module

Factors that promote successful blended learning

A useful reflective on blended learning from four perspectives. Source:  Stacey, E. and Gerbic, P., 2008. Success factors for blended learning. Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology? Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008, pp.964-968. The literature on blended learning is dominated by insider accounts of its introduction in campus-based courses, generally using a… Read more » about Factors that promote successful blended learning

Use this online resource to learn about blended learning

Bournemouth University have invested in a learning and teaching resource that encourages and supports tutors developing and delivering discipline based pedagogies enhanced by the use of technology. The welcome screen The highlights of the module include: Practical advice on how you can incorporate digital learning practices, regardless of your previous experience An overview, provided by… Read more » about Use this online resource to learn about blended learning

Learn more about blended learning using this new BU module

Bournemouth University have invested in a learning and teaching resource that encourages and supports tutors developing and delivering discipline based pedagogies enhanced by the use of technology. The welcome screen The highlights of the module include: Practical advice on how you can incorporate digital learning practices, regardless of your previous experience An overview, provided by… Read more » about Learn more about blended learning using this new BU module

New digital learning module available

Bournemouth University have recently invested in a learning and teaching resource that encourages and supports tutors developing and delivering discipline based pedagogies enhanced by the use of technology.  Epigeum, the market leader, whom many of you will know for their online ethics courses, worked with BU to develop this resource as part of an international… Read more » about New digital learning module available

Preparing myBU for AY 16-17 – countdown to the start of term

Before academics can start preparing their units in myBU, the units must first be Published (created in myBU) and the staff responsible for the delivery of the unit must be Assigned (attached to the unit). This preliminary stage takes place in the VIS (VLE Information System) and needs to be carried out by staff with knowledge of which units… Read more » about Preparing myBU for AY 16-17 – countdown to the start of term