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Posts By: Marcellus Mbah
Sustainability in higher education – call for proposals
Dear colleagues, apologies for cross posting: ======== The Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology invites manuscript submissions for the following special issue: Sustainability in higher education: What is the role of educational technologies? Guest editor: Dr. Linda Price (Professor & Chair), University of Bedfordshire, UK Call for submissions: On a global scale, we have seen shifts… Read more » about Sustainability in higher education – call for proposals
Drop in sessions for the student led co-creation funding

Dear colleagues, In view of the next round of call for the student led co-creation funding, the Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL), in collaboration with the student union (SUBU) will be running drop in sessions to provide interested final year undergraduate students and academics with relevant information about the scheme. The drop in sessions shall take place as… Read more » about Drop in sessions for the student led co-creation funding
Newly published article on international students and their placement experience

Dear colleagues, we are very pleased to announce that an article from a CEL funded project written by Kelly Goodwin and myself (Marcellus Mbah) has been published online in the Journal of Further and Higher Education. Title: Enhancing the work placement experience of international students: towards a support framework Abstract: This article reports the findings from an… Read more » about Newly published article on international students and their placement experience
Call for Abstracts for a Special Issue: Qualitative Approaches to Policy Analysis & Research
Dear colleagues, apologies for cross posting: ========= Call for Abstracts for a Special Issue of American Behavioral Scientist (1.311 Impact Factor) on QUALITATIVE APPROACHES TO POLICY ANALYSIS & RESEARCH Editors: Monica Reid Kerrigan, Rowan University, and Ane Turner Johnson, Rowan University Abstracts Due: December 1, 2017 • Full Manuscript Due: May 1, 2018 The purpose of… Read more » about Call for Abstracts for a Special Issue: Qualitative Approaches to Policy Analysis & Research
Special issue calls for Education Related Papers
Dear colleagues, I thought you might be interested in any of the following special issue calls for paper: Special issue call for papers from Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education: ‘The aim of this special issue is to publish high-quality research papers as well as review articles reporting recent empirical advances on the application of… Read more » about Special issue calls for Education Related Papers
CEL was represented at BERA 2017

In this year’s annual conference of the British Educational Research Association (BERA), the Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL) at Bournemouth University had a significant presence. Dr. Sue Eccles presented a paper on the subject “Young People in Care: Aspirations and Experiences of Progressing to Further or Higher Education”. The number of care leavers progressing… Read more » about CEL was represented at BERA 2017
An article from a CEL funded project just published
We are very pleased to announce that an article written by Venancio Tauringana, Marcellus Mbah and Phyllis Alexander has been published online in the Journal of Further and Higher Education. Title: Interrogating the importance and awareness of NSS improvement initiatives: a case study of final year undergraduate students Abstract: This paper reports the results of a case… Read more » about An article from a CEL funded project just published
CELebrate 2017: Embedding industry competitions in student assessment

At the recent CELebrate conference, Melanie Gray presented work on embedding industry competitions in student assessment. Industry competitions are an interesting way to build triadic engagement between academics, students and industry aligning closely with our Bournemouth University blended fusion model of research, professional practice and education. Competition and its use within learning can be seen as an… Read more » about CELebrate 2017: Embedding industry competitions in student assessment
CELebrate 2017: Exploring and utilising students’ perspectives on feedback: a mixed method, longitudinal approach

At the recently held CELebrate 2017 conference, Dr. Peter Hills, Kara Peterson, Simon Croker and Dr. Rachel Manning gave a presentation about psychology undergraduate students’ perspectives on assessment feedback. Participants came from all three undergraduate years and spanned a range of academic profiles. The research was longitudinal, from January 2013 to April 2014. A mixed method approach was… Read more » about CELebrate 2017: Exploring and utilising students’ perspectives on feedback: a mixed method, longitudinal approach