Dear colleague, The following information from the Association of University Administrators might be of interest to you: Overview We are looking for two Trustees who represent the breadth and diversity of our membership to join our established Board. Becoming a Trustee is both a rewarding way to give back to the Association and to higher… Read more » about Two trustees needed at the Association of University Administrators (AUA)
Posts By: Marcellus Mbah
Newly published article: Developing students as global citizens through the global talent programme
Dear colleagues, we are pleased to let you know that Dean Hristov and Vianna Renaud have just had an article on their Global Talent Programme come out in the inaugural edition of The Global Impact Exchange: Winter 2018 edition on the theme of ‘Global Education in an Age of Nationalism’. Link to the publication –… Read more » about Newly published article: Developing students as global citizens through the global talent programme
ISSOTL 2018 Call for Proposals
Dear colleagues, apologies for cross posting: ========== Call for Proposals (pdf) The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning invites you to join its 15th annual conference, which will be hosted in Bergen, Norway, from October 24 to 27, 2018. International scholars and educators will come together to share recent work and to… Read more » about ISSOTL 2018 Call for Proposals
CALL FOR PAPERS: ASET Annual Conference 2018
Dear colleagues, apologies for cross posting: ================== CALL FOR PAPERS ASET Annual Conference 2018 … Read more » about CALL FOR PAPERS: ASET Annual Conference 2018
Call for submission of papers
Dear colleagues, apologies for cross posting: ============== Journal of Student Affairs in Africa (JSAA), Vol. 6 (2018): “Space, language and identity politics in 21st century higher education” Guest editor: Philippa Tumubweinee As a way of introducing the theme to be tackled in a 2018 guest-edited issue of the Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, it is… Read more » about Call for submission of papers
‘Elevator pitch’ event to enrich student experiences
Nasiru Taura and Thanh Huynh recently organised a successful ‘elevator pitch’ event to enrich student experiences at BU, by enabling them to showcase their start-up projects as part of their Entrepreneurship and Business Ventures (EBV). The event featured four industry experts (including entrepreneurs, investors, and practitioners) as panelists. More than 70 people attended and participated in the event. Groups of students… Read more » about ‘Elevator pitch’ event to enrich student experiences
Outstanding final year undergraduate students received co-creation awards from the University

This year’s student-led co-creation awards were handed out to 15 outstanding students from different faculties of BU. The event took place on the 5th of December 2017 in the presence of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Tim MacIntyre-Bhatty who handed out the prizes and certificates, the Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning Professor Debbie… Read more » about Outstanding final year undergraduate students received co-creation awards from the University
The last drop-in session for this year’s student-led co-creation funding

We’ve had an amazing attendance at our drop-in sessions for this year’s student-led co-creation funding scheme. If you’ve missed any, we have one more session coming up on Friday Nov. 10th from 9:00-10:30am in PG30a. The co-creation project is one of the flagships of the University and funds student-led, collaborative projects delivering co-created outputs… Read more » about The last drop-in session for this year’s student-led co-creation funding
Reminder: Drop-in sessions for the student-led co-creation funding

Dear colleagues, We are currently running drop-in sessions to provide interested final year undergraduate students and academics with relevant information about this year’s student-led co-creation funding. We have the following schedules coming up: Date & Time Venue 01st Nov. 2:30 – 4:30pm PG30a Poole House, Talbot 07th Nov. 11:30 – 1pm BOHO lounge, Bournemouth House 08th… Read more » about Reminder: Drop-in sessions for the student-led co-creation funding
Launch of the student-led co-creation funding

The Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL), in collaboration with the student union (SUBU), is pleased to launch the next round of calls for the student-led co-creation funding. The co-creation funding project is one of the flagships of the University and funds student-led, collaborative projects delivering co-created outputs between a student and an academic. Whether that’s… Read more » about Launch of the student-led co-creation funding