CALL FOR PAPERS: ASET Annual Conference 2018

Dear colleagues, apologies for cross posting:


                       CALL FOR PAPERS

                          ASET Annual Conference 2018

                     Future-proofing Placements: Sharing Success and Inspiring Innovation

                                   University of Nottingham

                                     4th – 6th September 2018

2018 marks our 25th year of ASET Annual Conferences.

We are delighted to be celebrating this event on the Jubilee Campus at the University of Nottingham and are pleased to announce the CALL FOR PAPERS is now open.

Our conference theme this year is Future-proofing Placements: Sharing Success and Inspiring Innovation and we welcome submissions around this theme as well as under any employability or placement related theme. To submit an abstract, you will need to download an ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM (copy attached) and email to the ASET office by Friday 18th May.

Presenters are eligible for £100 discount on full conference bookings.

The abstract submission form can be downloaded here: 2018 Conf Abstract Submission form (2)


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