Professor Raian Ali, Professor of Computing in the Department of Computing and Informatics hosted our visitors as they found out how gamification elements and persuasive technologies can be used in education, and exchanged ideas and experiences around this topic in their host Faculty, Science and Technology. CEL were delighted to be part of their visit, and of course, out came our google cardboards, our OCULUS RIFT, our 360 camera, as we talked about how important developing digital skills are for the 21C workplace. We also showcased Brightspace, our new VLE.

Learning Technologist Dave Hunt talks about technology
As our visitors knew, the adoption of automation and AI technologies will transform the workplace as people increasingly interact with ever-smarter machines. These technologies, and that human-machine interaction, will bring numerous benefits…they will also change the skills required of human workers..accelerate from 2016-2030 (MacKinsey 2018)
It was interesting to discuss different ways in which we educate our student groups, and the similar issues facing all of us as educators. We talked about the importance of co-creation and curation and how our Fusion Based Learning work, as part of BU2025, will increasingly place digital skill development for the workplace within our curricula. Led by Lieutenant colonel Dr. Abdelrahman Alnaqbi, Head of applications and field training from the Police Science Academy, Sharjah, UAE, and joined on this field trip by Major Saeed Almajar, Major Dr. Jassim Alsuwaidi and First lieutenant Saif Alzaabi, the group also explored our FUSION spaces.

Fusion Building, Bournemouth University

We exchange ideas as to how to embed technology in our teaching
Our visitors presented us with a beautiful model of their Police Science Academy,
as a mememto of the visit. We look forward to further information exchanges and ongoing collaborations in coming months.

A model of the Police Science Academy, Sharjah, UAE