Monthly Archives: October 2017

TEL Drop-In Sessions: TOMORROW!

We all need a little help from time-to-time when it comes to using technology in the classroom. With that in mind, I’ll be running TEL drop-in sessions to support YOU with your technology needs, whether it’s learning how to use a particular programme such as Padlet, or if you’re just looking for new ideas on… Read more » about TEL Drop-In Sessions: TOMORROW!

Visit from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences – TOMORROW – 26-27th October 2017

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences – Welcome Talk, 9-10am in B216a, Thursday 26th October 2017 We have five academics visiting HSS from the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (formerly Sogn og Fjordane University College) tomorrow and Friday (26-27th October). The  contingent will be composed of Lars Kyte, Ingrid Lindaas, Borgtor Boyum, Hellen Dahl and Tove… Read more » about Visit from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences – TOMORROW – 26-27th October 2017

New publication from OFFA: Understanding a whole institution approach to widening participation

Understanding a whole institution approach to widening participation ( was commissioned by OFFA and authored by Professor Liz Thomas to improve understanding around how a whole-institution approach is understood, realised and sustained. This research calls upon all those working in higher education – including senior leaders – to make fundamental and transformational changes in approaches to widening… Read more » about New publication from OFFA: Understanding a whole institution approach to widening participation

Webinars about data hosted by UKdataservice

CESSDA ERIC training   You may find the following webinar recordings and upcoming workshops on European data useful. They have been funded/provided by CESSDA ERIC   Webinar recordings:   How to Find Data in Europe – Introductory webinar introducing European social science data services and how to find, access and understand data Data in Europe: Ageing – Webinar… Read more » about Webinars about data hosted by UKdataservice

UK data service annual report

Colleagues, apologies for cross posting – useful information for Impact as well as of wider interest. ==== The April 2016 to March 2017 UK Data Service Annual Report is now available with a fresh new look and feel. In the year covered by the report the UK Data Service was instrumental in supporting researchers to create shareable… Read more » about UK data service annual report