Monthly Archives: March 2017

Assessment and Feedback – colleagues please can you assist Naomis’ SRHE project? 10 mins only!

Apologies for cross-posting, but please can any colleagues interested in Assessment and Feedback complete this short survey? ====== Assessment and feedback are one of the most important tasks we undertake as academics, yet also one of the most time-consuming. Through a project funded by the Society for Research into Higher Education, I am aiming to… Read more » about Assessment and Feedback – colleagues please can you assist Naomis’ SRHE project? 10 mins only!

CEL Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Award 2017 – great ideas wanted…

CEL logo

Colleagues! Please consider applying for our award – and help a local charity! deadline Friday 28th April Briefing: Depending on your viewpoint:   What are the health priorities following a catastrophic event? Are such events becoming more frequent because of climate change? How should we organise UK response to such events to reduce the… Read more » about CEL Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Award 2017 – great ideas wanted…

HE policy update w/e 3rd March 2017

Industrial Strategy The Government launched the Industrial Strategy Green Paper and consultation at the end of January. The paper focuses on improving Britain’s innovation and productivity in key areas alongside upskilling the workforce to become world leading. The government suggest a number sectors to support: clean energy robotics healthcare space technology quantum technology advanced computing… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 3rd March 2017

11th annual Mike Warne Lecture at BU – 1 Mar 17

The 11th annual Mike Warne Lecture sponsored by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and organised by students from the BA (Hons) Marketing Communications programme was held on 1st March 2017 in the Fusion building. This year’s theme was Immersive Technology – The Future of Marketing, introduced by Chris Daly – Chief Executive of CIM,… Read more » about 11th annual Mike Warne Lecture at BU – 1 Mar 17

Do you know Xerte?

Xerte is an elearning development environment that has been used in BU for some time.  If you have knowledge of using Xerte, could you please contact Caspian Dugdale of BU please?  Caspian is seeking information on this development environment.  

Patient and Public Involvement Project

By James Gavin CEL Innovation Awards, Project Update Since being granted funding for my Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) project, I have focused on organizing Phase I: The PPI Seminar Series. Initial meetings with my co-investigators, Dr Mel Hughes and Tom Wainwright, involved proposing a seminar schedule, to include four separate workshops aimed at students…. Read more » about Patient and Public Involvement Project