
HE policy update for the w/e 24th February 2017

Jo Johnson spoke at a UUK conference today and made a number of important announcements: New government amendments to the Higher Education and Research Bill. The detailed amendments have not yet been published but a Department for Education factsheet has been provided. The government amendments have been welcomed so far. See the Latest set of… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 24th February 2017

Productive procrastination resources: Research and teaching podcasts

Today’s Tale from the field is about productive ways of procrastinating. The intention is not to sabotage New Year’s resolutions, but for the following resources to be available for those much-needed breaks in-between writing sprints, or simply to listen on the go for research and teaching inspiration. I have mentioned before the National Centre for… Read more » about Productive procrastination resources: Research and teaching podcasts

SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education – quick write up

Maggie Hutchings and myself went to the SRHE’s international conference in Wales to present our research exploring ideas of organisational learning and widening participation. Jacqueline Priego presented her research on participatory learning and undergraduate research assistants. The theme of the conference was Exploring Freedom and Control in global higher education. The thread running through the whole event was… Read more » about SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education – quick write up

HE policy update

Dear all Schools that work for everyone consultation In addition to the consultation workshop (second one on 17th November) we have set up a short survey for staff members who have experience of working with schools as governors or otherwise – please complete the survey here and let us have your views (closing on 18th… Read more » about HE policy update

ESRC Festival of Social Science: Fair Access Research

Festival of Social Science Date: Monday 7 November Time: 10am-1pm Location: F105, Fusion, Talbot Campus Register Here What does it mean to be a student in the 21st century? As part of ESRC’s Festival of Social Science BU researchers Dr Vanessa Heaslip, Dr Clive Hunt, Dr Maggie Hutchings and Dr Alex Wardrop  will be leading a… Read more » about ESRC Festival of Social Science: Fair Access Research

NVivo workshop and surgery – 4 November

As part of the Graduate School’s Research Development Programme 2016/17, Jacqueline Priego from CEL will be delivering an NVivo workshop. Details below: Date: 4 November 2016 Time: 9.00-11.00 Venue: S103 Bookings via myBU * Audience: This workshop is suitable for PGRs with some knowledge of qualitative analysis approaches. Intended learning outcomes. By the end of… Read more » about NVivo workshop and surgery – 4 November

My Voice, My Story: photography, students and social change

Members of the Fair Access Research programme spent the morning working with students in our first workshop for the ESRC’s Festival of Social Science.  In My Voice, My Story, we are exploring what it means to be a non-traditional student at university through the participatory photographic and story technique, photovoice. This technique sees you become the researchers of… Read more » about My Voice, My Story: photography, students and social change

Presentation by Dr Sandra Goldsworthy, (Associate) Research Professor in Simulation Education, University of Calgary

12-1pm, Wednesday 19th October in EB702 Sandra Goldsworthy has kindly agreed to visit BU when she is visiting England next month. Sandra is a nurse academic from the University of Calgary, and her specialism is simulation education which I know is an area of great interest to many of us in BU. She has kindly agreed to… Read more » about Presentation by Dr Sandra Goldsworthy, (Associate) Research Professor in Simulation Education, University of Calgary

Learning motivations and placement experience in HE

Dr James Gavin from the Department of Sport and Physical Activity delivered a CEL workshop today focusing on placement experience and the learning motivations of students. Based upon James’ recent paper, the workshop provided some useful insights into the changing learning motivations of students studying undergraduate degrees with (practice-based), and without (study-based) work placements. In… Read more » about Learning motivations and placement experience in HE

What does research-informed teaching look like?

The HEA together with the University Alliance have issued a paper – a collection of case studies -which might help explain this. Given the REF’s new broader definition of impact and the TEF which has research-informed teaching as an indicator of quality this is certainly a useful and  timely read.