Virtual Worlds

Enhancing ‘Technology in Tourism’ learning with the BLIS Suite

The BLISS (Blended Learning Interactive Simulation Suite) was recently used in the Technology in Tourism unit, offering an immersive learning experience. Located in the Bournemouth Gateway building, the BLISS Room uses interactive walls and projectors to create a virtual space where students can manipulate 2D and 3D objects, enhanced by ambient sound. Collaborating with Rob… Read more » about Enhancing ‘Technology in Tourism’ learning with the BLIS Suite

Virtual Reality Technologies

Digital graphic of an avatar wearing a virtual reality headset

As of 2022 there are an estimated 171 million VR users worldwide and it is estimated that by the end of the decade the VR industry will result in over 23 million jobs worldwide. Link to statistics (enterpriseappstodday website) The following graphic demonstrates expected growth of virtual reality by industry with education, health care and workplace… Read more » about Virtual Reality Technologies

Virtual Reality CDA In Idaho Is A Virtual Reality Arcade That Will Take You To A Whole Other Dimension

It’s been truly amazing to see how video game technology has progressed over the years. We’ve definitely come a far way from coin-operated machines in arcades and crude 16-bit graphics! The fairly recent arrival of virtual reality has ushered in a whole new wave of video game experiences, and you can try it out for… Read more » about Virtual Reality CDA In Idaho Is A Virtual Reality Arcade That Will Take You To A Whole Other Dimension