Dear all Schools that work for everyone consultation In addition to the consultation workshop (second one on 17th November) we have set up a short survey for staff members who have experience of working with schools as governors or otherwise – please complete the survey here and let us have your views (closing on 18th… Read more » about HE policy update
HE Policy update
Teaching Excellence The Higher Education Academy released a report on teaching excellence in a range of subjects – part of their response to the teaching excellence framework. It includes a useful literature review and a report following interviews with academics. The conclusions of the report include: pedagogic approaches are different for different subjects – the… Read more » about HE Policy update
What does research-informed teaching look like?
The HEA together with the University Alliance have issued a paper – a collection of case studies -which might help explain this. Given the REF’s new broader definition of impact and the TEF which has research-informed teaching as an indicator of quality this is certainly a useful and timely read.
National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Workshop with Prof Stephen Tee
Following the recent call for applications for NTFs, Professor Tee (himself an NTF) held a workshop today for interested parties. Attendance was limited but there has been some interest from a number of individuals across BU in terms of planning their cases for the future. CEL will organise further workshops in the autumn for those… Read more » about National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Workshop with Prof Stephen Tee
Higher education White Paper: key points at a glance

Source: The government’s higher education White Paper, Success as a Knowledge Economy, was published on 16 May. Key proposals in the document include: Teaching Creating an Office for Students, merging the Office for Fair Access with the learning and teaching functions of the Higher Education Funding Council for England Retaining the proposed link between… Read more » about Higher education White Paper: key points at a glance
An introduction to the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

An introduction to the Teaching Excellence Framework and the implications for learning at BU by Dr Marcellus Mbah, Dr Jacqueline Priego and Dr Alex Waldrop from yesterday’s CEL AwayDay. Click here to watch the 21 minute video.