HE Policy update w/e 3rd February 2017

Higher Education and Research Bill – the House of Lords committee stage has finished with no further amendments (other than non-controversial and welcome government amendments). Unlike in the House of Commons, where time was more limited and there was a great deal of focus on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), student loans, the impact of… Read more » about HE Policy update w/e 3rd February 2017

Inspirational teaching in higher education: What does it look, sound and feel like? An exploratory research study

Apologies for cross posting, but an excellent article here on inspirational teaching means for undergraduates Derounian, James G. Mr (2017) “Inspirational teaching in higher education: What does it look, sound and feel like?,” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Vol. 11: No. 1, Article 9. Available at: http://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/ij-sotl/vol11/iss1/9 Inspirational teaching in higher… Read more » about Inspirational teaching in higher education: What does it look, sound and feel like? An exploratory research study

HE policy updated 27th January 2017

Industrial Strategy Green Paper The Government launched the Industrial Strategy Green Paper and consultation this week. The paper focuses on improving Britain’s innovation and productivity in key areas alongside upskilling the workforce to become world leading. The government suggest a number of areas of industry specialism that should be supported: clean energy robotics healthcare space… Read more » about HE policy updated 27th January 2017

HE policy update w/e 20th January 2017

Higher Education and Research Bill – the Bill continues its committee stage in the Lords, with long and lively debates. Only government amendments have been approved so far, apart from last week’s amendment to clause 1. The list of amendments has continued to grow in the meantime, there is a genuine risk that they may… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 20th January 2017

Higher Education and Research Bill in the House of Lords – round up before the committee stage

The committee stage in the House of Lords starts on Monday.  The list of proposed amendments stands at 85 pages.  We will be keeping an eye and reporting on the progress of the bill and progress can be tracked on the new House of Lords pages here.  The bill itself (if you need it for… Read more » about Higher Education and Research Bill in the House of Lords – round up before the committee stage

HE policy update

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and Research Excellence Framework (REF) The Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Vinney, has a new blog on the HEPI (the Higher Education policy Institute) website on research and teaching and how REF and the TEF work together, with some proposals for change in how the REF is implemented in 2021, and views on… Read more » about HE policy update

HE policy update

Colleagues, Jane Forster continue to provide us with valuable policy updates. Please see below the recent edition, touching on Brexit, Graduate outcomes, Schools,  Nursing degree apprenticeships,  Government grant standards and the Teaching Excellence Framework: ………………….. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Vinney, has a new blog on the HEPI (the Higher Education policy Institute) website on research and teaching and how Stern and… Read more » about HE policy update

Video resource: “University spending explained”

An excellent resource for our #TeachBU students and members of staff has been made available via the Universities UK website. “Increased student contributions to the cost of higher education have led to a greater interest in university spending. This interactive explainer shows how universities in England spend their money, and how all of this ultimately… Read more » about Video resource: “University spending explained”

Policy update:

===Colleagues, please see below the recent policy update from Jane Forster, OVC, note short survey for any staff who are Governors/ work with schools=== Dear all Schools that work for everyone consultation In addition to the consultation workshop (second one on 17th November) we have set up a short survey for staff members who have… Read more » about Policy update: