A special round of the Co-Creation and Co-Production Strand of the Fusion Investment Fund (FIF) opens today. As part of the University’s Global Engagement Plan, the first ASEAN Hub of Practice was launched through the last round of the FIF. We are now looking to set up two more Hubs of Practice in India and… Read more » about Special call of the Fusion Investment Fund
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin I recently came across an article of interest in the Academy of Management Learning & Education discussing the benefits of problem-based learning as a useful approach to equip students with the necessary skills need for successful career… Read more » about Employability and problem-based learning
Join this online course – a tool a day to improve your digital and teaching skills! 10 minutes a day maximum, and the chance to take part in this fun event – count down the 12 days of Christmas!
A new report suggests that things are much worse for the excluded, those whose benefits have been sanctioned and are in temporary accommodation or have been evicted. Read more in the Joseph Foundation Report
CEL is offering funding for ten student-led projects, co-created with academics. Taking part in a co-created project will help your students develop news skills and confidence, learn how to apply knowledge, inform their career decisions and increase employability. This is open to final year undergraduates and those interested will need identify a topic of relevance… Read more » about Student and staff co-creation projects
CEL were involved in a debate about the nature of engagement with a department in the Faculty of Management this afternoon. Before being able to tackle the subject of how to improve engagement, we needed to define what we mean by engagement. We looked at engagement from both the lecturer and student perspective and started… Read more » about What does student engagement mean?
The next round of Vision4Learning drop-in sessions are scheduled for next week. The purpose of these sessions is to review the TEL Toolkit and we welcome as much feedback as possible to suggest enhancements before the site is built. The next drop in sessions are between 8am and 11am on: Wednesday 2nd December in CEL… Read more » about Vision4Learning drop-in sessions next week
As outlined in a previous blog post, CEL’s Jacqueline Priego was in Medellin, Colombia during the week commencing 9 November, to present at the VII Latin American and Caribbean Conference of Social Sciences. While in Colombia, Jacqueline visited Universidad EAFIT, a BU Global partner since 2013. The engagement with EAFIT started with an international task… Read more » about CEL’s visit to Colombia: What’s in there for me?
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