
iOS App – PDF WordSmith – Convert PDF documents into editable Word documents

PDF WordSmith By Kdan Mobile Software LTD. Compatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Price: Usually £0.99 but FREE for a limited time.   PDF WordSmith is for anyone who wants to convert regular PDFs into Word documents so you can then edit them. You’ll be able to import… Read more » about iOS App – PDF WordSmith – Convert PDF documents into editable Word documents

Interested in Open Educational Resources (OERs) ? two opportunities to find out more

Dr Debbie Holley, Deputy Head of the CEL is on the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Special Interest Group on Open Educational Resources. Below she outlines two events that will be of interest to those interested in this movement. Webinar on impact of Open Education – Findings from the OER Research Hub, 30 September 2015,… Read more » about Interested in Open Educational Resources (OERs) ? two opportunities to find out more

CEL events in the next 4 weeks

CEL runs a range of events every month on Talbot and Lansdowne campuses. Here is the list for the coming month: 29 Sep – Learning and Teaching Fellow preparatory workshop.  EB303 12:00-13:00 30 Sep – Learning and Teaching Fellow preparatory workshop.  PG30a 10:00-11:00 1 Oct – Call for Fusion Investment Fund (FIF) Proposals 6 Oct… Read more » about CEL events in the next 4 weeks

EmployaGility – engaging multiple stakeholders in the teaching, learning and employment journey

Carly Lamont is the theme leader for employability and workbased learning in the CEL. Below she shares with us her thoughts about a session at the British Academy of Management (BAM) conference in Portsmouth. This Professional Development Workshop introduced the concept of EmployaGility. EmployaGility – engaging multiple stakeholders in the teaching, learning and employment journey… Read more » about EmployaGility – engaging multiple stakeholders in the teaching, learning and employment journey

Augmented Reality: co-creating artefacts with school children and university students

Dr Debbie Holley has recently returned from presented at @eLEOT2015, an conference on e-learning, e- education and online training. Part of the European Alliance on Innovation, ( a body created by leaders from industry, research and policy making  to engage the global community by exploring ways in which innovation in technology and business and benefit… Read more » about Augmented Reality: co-creating artefacts with school children and university students

What the CEL blog offers you

The Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL) was soft launched in early 2013, led by Professor Roach.  Professor Thomas took on leadership in September 2013 and it was then formally launched in April 2014 to make its impact more obvious and effective across BU. Its aims are to: Develop and support collaborative communities to inspire excellence in… Read more » about What the CEL blog offers you

BU Learning and Teaching Fellows 2015-16

The Centre for Excellence in Learning is pleased to announce the call for applications for BU L&T Fellowship awards 2015-16.  This is a wonderful opportunity to develop your teaching practice. Individuals may nominate themselves and any member of academic or professional staff who is engaged in supporting and promoting excellence in student learning may apply… Read more » about BU Learning and Teaching Fellows 2015-16

New international peer led academic learning network

The practice of more experienced students being trained to guide and facilitate the learning of less experienced students in an organised and supported way is gaining momentum as a global phenomenon; peer learning schemes now exist on all continents and hold relevance for students of all cultures. Some UK schemes have been in existence since… Read more » about New international peer led academic learning network