
Journal of Information Literacy vol 9 (2) now out

Thanks to editor Emma Coonan for sharing Dear Colleagues, I am thrilled to announce that volume 9(2) of the Journal of Information Literacy is now available at – please find the table of contents below. As a first-time editor, it has been an absolute privilege to be involved with the publication of this issue… Read more » about Journal of Information Literacy vol 9 (2) now out

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) release of latest OER report (thanks to Cable Green)

Greetings OER Friends: In case you missed this good news… The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released its latest OER report yesterday: Open Educational Resources: A Catalyst for Innovation, Educational Research and Innovation. (PDF) OECD post re-tweet CC post re-tweet Creative Commons (CC) is also pleased to see OECD using a CC license… Read more » about The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) release of latest OER report (thanks to Cable Green)

New HEA Report on Independent Learning

Colleagues, I am sure you will be interested in this: From the HEA website: This study examines students’ perspectives and experiences of independent learning in higher education in the UK. It was commissioned by the HEA and undertaken by the NUS and Liz Thomas Associates LTA between February and July 2015. It built on a… Read more » about New HEA Report on Independent Learning

TEL Toolkit? Come to S219 Thur 3 Dec 8am-11am to learn more

The next Vision4Learning drop-in session is tomorrow (Thursday 3 Dec) in S219, 8am to 11am. Come along to find out about the TEL Toolkit.  We welcome as much feedback as possible to suggest enhancements before the site is built.  

CELebrate 2016

The second annual CELebrate event will take place on 13-15 April 2016. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase how you innovate to improve student learning in any way, but particularly this year around key CEL themes of assessment and feedback, technology enhanced learning and employability. If you are interested in proposing a session and… Read more » about CELebrate 2016

The Placement Experience of International Students

Dr Marcellus Mbah, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in CEL recently presented the results of a study he carried out with Kelly Goodwin on the placement experience of international students. The workshop was organised by the Employability, Enterprise and Work-based Learning Network of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) and drew participants from more than… Read more » about The Placement Experience of International Students

Lego Serious Play

Dr Tim Gale, Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management Head of Education and Professional Practice, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Faculty of Management,tells us below about Lego Serious Play: For some time now I have been using Lego Serious Play to facilitate discussion in class (sparingly, as you can have too much of a good thing),… Read more » about Lego Serious Play

Doctoral dissertation in graphic novel form (thank you Gordon Asher for sharing)

please find links from the LearnHigher discussion  at foot of post What a wonderful challenge to the usual format.. Columbia University awarded a doctorate in education to Nick Sousanis forUnflattening, a graphic novel about the relationship between words and pictures in literature. It was published by Harvard University Press and got a starred review… Read more » about Doctoral dissertation in graphic novel form (thank you Gordon Asher for sharing)