
Student led co-creation projects: Call for applications

The Centre for Excellence in Learning is pleased to invite applications for its Student Led Co-creation Projects. The co-creation project funds student-led, collaborative projects delivering co-created outputs between an academic and a student. Whether that’s a paper, presentation or product, the output is important. Projects don’t have to form part of a particular unit of a curriculum and… Read more » about Student led co-creation projects: Call for applications

CEL Learning and Teaching Fellowships: Invitation for applications

The Centre for Excellence in Learning is pleased to invite applications for its Learning and Teaching Fellowships. The fellowships are for academics who are using BU’s fusion framework to deliver an excellent learning experience and want to do more. Successful applicants will receive £2000 and protected time to dedicate to pedagogic research, developing their innovative practice and sharing examples of best… Read more » about CEL Learning and Teaching Fellowships: Invitation for applications

CEL Innovation Awards – invitation for application and briefing dates

The Centre for Excellence in Learning is pleased to invite applications for its Innovation Awards. These awards are for teams or individuals who have a creative idea for enhancing the student experience within their curriculum. Proposals should link to one of the following CEL themes: Technology enhanced learning; Employability, work based learning and professional practice; Assessment… Read more » about CEL Innovation Awards – invitation for application and briefing dates

CEL welcomes Dr Sue Eccles

We are very pleased to announce that Dr Sue Eccles has transferred from the Faculty of Media and Communication to CEL.  Sue is a very experienced senior leader in pedagogy, education, development and research; her knowledge, skills and commitment to excellence in learning is a very positive addition to CEL. We are delighted that Sue… Read more » about CEL welcomes Dr Sue Eccles

Best paper award for CEL

Dr Debbie Holley and David Biggins presented a paper, co-authored with Dr Marketa Zezulkova and George Evangelinos, at the 3rd EAI International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training (eLEOT) in Dublin between 31st August and 2nd September 2016.  The paper was entitled Digital Competence and Capability Frameworks in the Context of Learning, Self-Development and… Read more » about Best paper award for CEL

Fair Access Research – news update

As part of the Fair Access Research project we wanted to share with you news and data that has been making headlines over August. HEFCE published Differences in employment outcomes: Comparison of 2008-09 and 2010-11 first degree graduates. One of the most significant findings related to outcomes differences for black and minority ethnic graduates. The report… Read more » about Fair Access Research – news update

Would you like CEL to provide input into your team or department awaydays?

Building on the successful ‘roadshows’ that CEL delivered in the last academic year and thinking ahead to the start of the new academic year, CEL staff are happy to provide input on any of our three themes (innovative pedagogy, assessment and feedback – Anne Quinney; employability – Carly Lamont; and technology-enhanced learning – David Biggins… Read more » about Would you like CEL to provide input into your team or department awaydays?

Plagiarism in Higher Education – Custom essay writing services: an exploration and next steps for the UK higher education sector – a report from QAA

A report published yesterday by QAA explores the growing threat to UK higher education from custom essay writing services, or ‘essay mills’. It looks at how these services operate, gives examples from their websites, and highlights the claims they make, in particular their guarantees of being ‘plagiarism free’. QAA was commissioned to carry out this… Read more » about Plagiarism in Higher Education – Custom essay writing services: an exploration and next steps for the UK higher education sector – a report from QAA

What content can you add to myBU

With the new semester approaching, Library and Learning Support have created an excellent page in the TEL Toolkit which explains the structure of a standard unit and provides links and PDFs of supporting material.  This is really useful information to consider when preparing your units for semester 1 delivery. Click here to access the page. The… Read more » about What content can you add to myBU