
Pomodoro Technique® – and why didn’t I know about this?

As a life-long “multi-tasker” how horrified am I by the more recent research that keeps telling us that multi-tasking doesn’t work and how I will be more effective by focusing on one thing at a time. We achieve more, reach our goals and feel better by taking regular breaks.  Discussing this with a wonderful (… Read more » about Pomodoro Technique® – and why didn’t I know about this?

HE policy update for the w/e 1st September 2017

We continue our series of summer updates focussing on themes rather than news with a look at learning gain.  We have updates on the Industrial Strategy Bell review of Life Sciences, and an update on the TEF from UUK. Learning Gain Learning gain has become a potential hot topic for universities over the last year… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 1st September 2017

End of my secondment as CEL Theme Leader for Employability and WBL

Wow, where did those two years go? Today my role as CEL Theme for Employability and Work-based Learning regrettably comes to an end. I have had a wonderful time working with and being supported by an amazing, inspirational and ever growing CEL Team. The energy and enthusiasm that oozes from the very heart of CEL… Read more » about End of my secondment as CEL Theme Leader for Employability and WBL

VLE Update

For the latest VLE news including updates on Online Assessment Handling, Turnitin, Large File Submission and lots more, please click here

HE Policy Update w/e 25th August 2017

Immigration, International Students and Brexit The government have commissioned a series of assessments and reviews of the impact of immigration policy and Brexit via the Migration Advisory Committee: Call for evidence and briefing note: EEA-workers in the UK labour market – we will be responding on the HE questions via UCEA and UUK and we… Read more » about HE Policy Update w/e 25th August 2017

Welcome Dr Andrew Main to the CEL Team

The CEL Team are very privileged to have Dr Andrew Main officially joining us this week as Learning Impact Leader, working on the analysis of TEF metrics. Andrew has a wealth of experience within the University as Lecturer and Academic Manager as well as 17 years in industry applying his subject and relating it to engineering technology and business process…. Read more » about Welcome Dr Andrew Main to the CEL Team

Not just for pets – could there be a place for microchips in the University of the future?

In January we got a new cat.  As a result of having night time feline visitors we decided to invest in a cat flap which scans the cat’s microchip and allows it to enter the house.  Just as you check out your goods in the supermarket the cat can check in!  I was unsure to… Read more » about Not just for pets – could there be a place for microchips in the University of the future?

HE policy update w/e 11th August 2017

NSS results HEFCE published the NSS results last week. In their press release they highlight the changes to the survey and the fact that the responses are not comparable with previous years – there were 10 new questions and wording changes to 9 questions. The NUS boycott linked to the TEF affected 12 institutions who… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 11th August 2017

CELebrate 2017: Embedding industry competitions in student assessment

At the recent CELebrate conference, Melanie Gray presented work on embedding industry competitions in student assessment. Industry competitions are an interesting way to build triadic engagement between academics, students and industry aligning closely with our Bournemouth University blended fusion model of research, professional practice and education. Competition and its use within learning can be seen as an… Read more » about CELebrate 2017: Embedding industry competitions in student assessment