Events and workshops

Academic Integrity webinar series – recordings and slides

Academic Integrity 2022/23 webinar series

We hope you’ve been enjoying the speakers so far in our ‘Tales of the Unexpected: Traps and Pitfalls in Academic Integrity’ webinar series. This programme of online seminars is led by experts from around the world and hosted by Bournemouth University. If you registered for a session you’ll receive a copy of the slides and… Read more » about Academic Integrity webinar series – recordings and slides

Threats to Academic Integrity & How to Address Them

Academic Integrity 2022/23 webinar series

Closing part 1 of the Academic Integrity webinar series is Dr Irene Glendinning with an overview of the current and future threats to academic integrity and asking how we adapt policies and procedures? Join the webinar on Wednesday 14th December 12-1pm, and view the abstract below. “No educational institution anywhere in the world has yet… Read more » about Threats to Academic Integrity & How to Address Them

Psychological Perspectives on Academic Misconduct

Academic Integrity 2022/23 webinar series

Dr Guy Curtis, recently interviewed by ABC News24 about student cheating (watch the interview), leads the next talk in the online webinar series on Academic Integrity. Taking place on Wednesday 13th December 12-1pm, he explores the psychological impacts of the possibility of reward against a sense of threat in the realm of academic misconduct. Read… Read more » about Psychological Perspectives on Academic Misconduct

Murky Waters of File Sharing

Academic Integrity 2022/23 webinar series

Next in the Academic Integrity online webinar series line-up is Dr Brenda M Stoesz with the ‘Murky Waters of File Sharing’ which considers the issue of file sharing as contract cheating. This is taking place on Wednesday 7th December 4-5pm, read her abstract below. “Sharing course notes with classmates may be viewed as a collaborative… Read more » about Murky Waters of File Sharing

Contract Cheating – Solutions for Prevention & Identification

Academic Integrity 2022/23 webinar series

The online webinar series on Academic Integrity continues with a talk by Dr Thomas Lancaster on Wednesday 7th December 12-1pm on ‘Contract Cheating – Solutions for Prevention and Identification’, discussing the issues of essay mills and how to combat the threats to academic value. Read his abstract below. “Contract cheating, the process where a student… Read more » about Contract Cheating – Solutions for Prevention & Identification

Plagiarism in the Disrupted HE Landscape

Academic integrity webinar programme

The first talk in the Academic Integrity online webinar series takes place next week on Tuesday 29th November 4-5pm with speaker Dr Sarah Elaine Eaton presenting on where plagiarism sits in the realm of Higher Education’s changing landscape. Read her abstract below. “Academic integrity and plagiarism are about much more than student conduct. Academic integrity… Read more » about Plagiarism in the Disrupted HE Landscape

Panopto student submissions – drop-in session in FG04

Panopto logo

Have you thought about using Panopto for student video assignments? Students also have permissions to record with and upload to Panopto. This makes it a useful tool for student video assignments as they can be easily submitted via Brightspace units. FLIE is running a face-to-face drop-in session on Tuesday 29th November 12:00 to 13:30 in… Read more » about Panopto student submissions – drop-in session in FG04

Academic Integrity online seminars

Academic Integrity 2022/23 webinar series

Tales of the Unexpected: Traps and Pitfalls in Academic Integrity A series of online seminars led by experts from around the world. Hosted by Bournemouth University. UK Higher Education has a reputation for quality, relevance, and integrity. This is evidenced through institutional documentation, student feedback, staff commitment and regulatory reporting. Factors that support student learning… Read more » about Academic Integrity online seminars

Microsoft Bookings app drop-in session in FG04

Have you seen the new Microsoft Bookings app, or using it already and need help with customising appointments? FLIE are running a physical drop-in session on Tuesday 22nd November 2022 (12:30pm to 2:00pm), dedicated to enquiries around the Bookings app. Join us in FG04 to answer any questions you may have. Further help and guidance… Read more » about Microsoft Bookings app drop-in session in FG04

Using Awards in Brightspace – session resources

Brightspace online award of two hands shaking

If you missed our recent workshop on Using Awards in Brightspace you can catch up on the slides and a recording of the session in the Workshops and Drop-ins page of the Brightspace Staff Resources area. The session looked at some of the ways you can utilise online awards on your Brightspace units and demonstrates… Read more » about Using Awards in Brightspace – session resources