Monthly Archives: April 2021

Assessment and Feedback masterclasses continuing

Statue in garden

Join Anne Quinney and Dai Hounsell, Visiting Professor in FLIE, as they continue their masterclasses linked to the theme of Assessment and Feedback.  Join them online on the dates below to find out more, share your own experiences and ask any questions. Effective Feedback – Wednesday 26th May 1-2pm Are there secrets to successful feedback?… Read more » about Assessment and Feedback masterclasses continuing

FUSE – unit feedback pilot

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FLIE is running a pilot student survey this week with selected units in BUBS. The survey is called FUSE – Final Unit Student Evaluation. The survey is designed using a Learning Gain model to support the Teaching Excellence Framework with questions based upon Bloom’s Taxonomy of Higher Order Thinking Skills. FUSE is running in Brightspace… Read more » about FUSE – unit feedback pilot

Brightspace online quiz tool – FAQs

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Are you thinking about using online quizzes for assessment? Using the Brightspace quiz tool can bring several benefits, such as reducing the administrative burden, reaching large cohorts, and providing some basic analytics around question and response statistics. Here we answer some of the frequently asked questions around online quizzes to help get you started. Creating… Read more » about Brightspace online quiz tool – FAQs

The Turnitin draft checker and dissertations

TurnItIn logo

What is the Turnitin draft checker? The Turnitin draft checker service provides originality reports for students on their draft assignments to help them identify any potential issues with referencing and plagiarism. Students can upload their work to view a Similarity report and score on their work, allowing them to decide whether they have referenced their… Read more » about The Turnitin draft checker and dissertations

Assessment and Feedback Masterclasses

Assessment and Feedback toolkit

FLIE will be running a series of three Masterclasses linked to the theme of Assessment and Feedback. Join Anne Quinney and Dai Hounsell, Visiting Professor in FLIE, on the following dates and times: Wednesday 28th April 1-2 pm – Peer Assessment Wednesday 26th May 1-2 pm – Effective Feedback Wednesday 23d June 1-2 pm –… Read more » about Assessment and Feedback Masterclasses

Digital Wellbeing – conference workshop by BU colleagues

At the Association of Learning Developers in Higher Education (ALDinHE) annual conference last week three Bournemouth University staff led an interactive workshop on Digital Wellbeing. The workshop, led by Ben Goldsmith (FLIE), Debbie Holley (HSS) and Anne Quinney (FLIE), had been originally designed for a face-to-face scenario and was re-designed when the conference moved… Read more » about Digital Wellbeing – conference workshop by BU colleagues

Signposting and Zoom recordings

Zoom and Panopto logos

‘What one thing could universities do to improve the quality of digital teaching and learning?’ This question was posed to students in Jisc’s recent Student Digital Experience Insights survey 2020. The top two themes arising from this question on how to help students learn effectively were: Record all lectures and upload promptly Improve consistency and… Read more » about Signposting and Zoom recordings


Statue in garden

A recent contribution (21st March 2021) to the Times Higher Education online resources by Professor David Nicol of the University of Glasgow, well known for his work on assessment and feedback, sets out the steps for creating opportunities for students to improve learning by comparing the work they are producing to a range of sources… Read more » about Self-Feedback