An Economics student’s budgeting survival guide

Applying to university can be a stressful time for all those involved and the main concern is usually the financial side of student life. You may be wondering how you are going to manage your spending and income while at university. Being an Accounting, Finance & Economics student, I am at a slight advantage. I… Read more » about An Economics student’s budgeting survival guide

Undergraduate to postgraduate study: A big step!

Some days, postgraduate life seems very different from undergrad. Gone are the carefree days where it was fine – even expected – to spend all day in bed, your entire loan in one week, and all your free time napping.  It cannot be emphasised enough that studying a postgraduate course is a hugely rewarding and… Read more » about Undergraduate to postgraduate study: A big step!

Balancing study and a part-time job

Many students work part-time alongside studying, either because they need some extra funds or they just want to be independent. Some students also want to gain relevant experience to enhance their employability or simply want to explore life “out there”. Whatever the reason is, I believe a part-time job will surely benefit you in one… Read more » about Balancing study and a part-time job

Moving to Bournemouth from Brazil

The main reasons I chose BU are the location and atmosphere of the city, reputation of the university and support to international students. Applying to BU was easy as the system is friendly, the instructions are clear and the admissions team is very efficient. My BU life has been incredible! The university really supports international… Read more » about Moving to Bournemouth from Brazil

The things I wish someone had told me before I came to uni…

A laminated list of what I’d have liked someone to tell me. CONVENTIONAL? NONSENSICAL! Don’t worry what your university life looks like on Facebook or Instagram. No one is going to have the perfect university experience from start to finish – I know I didn’t. When I found out I was living in Unilet in… Read more » about The things I wish someone had told me before I came to uni…

Your top questions

Here’s a round-up of what you’ve been asking our AskBU team this week… I’ve not been able to attend any of your Open Days this year and would really like to visit, what should I do? It’s great to hear of your interest in BU!  Please don’t worry, although the Open Days have now finished… Read more » about Your top questions

My first month at BU

University is the biggest change in your life and can be taken in many ways. Some choose to embrace every aspect by joining societies, working hard, spending money and going out in the evenings. I like to have a balance of all four of these things. At first, as it was Freshers’ Fortnight, I tended… Read more » about My first month at BU

Your top questions

With UCAS applications in full swing, AskBU have been answering a lot of your questions this week. Here are just a few that you’ve been asking… I’ve applied for one course at another university but am applying for a different course at BU and need to tailor my personal statement. What do I need to… Read more » about Your top questions

How an MA can change your career – Gemma’s story

Gemma Kauffman graduated from the MA Creative and Media Education course in 2011, and now she works freelance, specialising in social engagement through the arts as well as preparing for her new exhibition, And The Dark And The Dark, which is opening in London in November. Below, Gemma talks about how the MA helped her move… Read more » about How an MA can change your career – Gemma’s story

Halls becoming home

As it sunk in that I was clear of Clearing and closer to moving to uni, accommodation seemed the next check-box to be ticked! I was sure the chance of me getting into Halls of Residence was unlikely, yet I applied anyway, having gained high hopes from a confirmed place on my chosen course. When… Read more » about Halls becoming home

This week’s top questions

Here’s a look at the questions you’ve been asking this week… Is BU still open for Clearing 2015? I’m sorry, but we’re now closed for Clearing and our new academic term has now started for September 2015.  However, we’re now recruiting for our 2016 courses, so please visit our course listings for more details.  You… Read more » about This week’s top questions

My summer internship at FourBroadgate

The BA (Hons) English course at Bournemouth University requires all students to do at least a four week placement in their second year over the summer break. So off I set, searching for the perfect summer placement. Originally I wanted a placement in fashion, but after a family friend offered me work at a financial… Read more » about My summer internship at FourBroadgate