
Accessibility MOOCs – two running in September/October

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Thanks to Chris Scholes for passing our way: ====== FutureLearn Inclusive Learning and Teaching Environments Sept 3rd for three weeks – for those working in Higher Education and interested in making elearning accessible “Explore the barriers experienced by disabled students and learn how to overcome these barriers through inclusive practices.”   FutureLearn Digital Accessibility… Read more » about Accessibility MOOCs – two running in September/October

‘Developing Digital Skills’ – new MOOC launching in October

==== please see below a message from JISC==== Dear colleagues, Digital skills are essential in today’s workplace, as there are few jobs that don’t require these skills, yet employers report a shortage of digital skills. It is therefore vital for teachers to expand the digital skills of their learners. Building on the highly successful Blended… Read more » about ‘Developing Digital Skills’ – new MOOC launching in October

Learning analytics and MOOCs – special edition

You might like to know that the special issue of Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) on “Learning analytics in massively multi-user virtual environments and courses” is currently slated for publication shortly as Vol. 32, Issue 3 of the journal. In the meantime, the articles comprising the issue are available online through Wiley’s Early View… Read more » about Learning analytics and MOOCs – special edition