
Journal of Information Literacy: new edition here and free to read

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===== Dear Colleagues, I’m thrilled to say that volume 12:2 of the Journal of Information Literacy has been published and is free to read and download at This issue includes peer-reviewed articles on students’ funds of knowledge; how learners say they evaluate sources, and how they actually go about doing so; and the ‘seven voices’ of various… Read more » about Journal of Information Literacy: new edition here and free to read

UCISA 2018 Immersive Environments Conference

UCISA 2018 Immersive Environments Conference Heidi Singleton, Elizabeth Falconer and Debbie Holley presented “Engage and Engage and Educate with Virtual Reality: sharing our experiences of Virtual Avebury and VR Deteriorating Patient” at the UCISA conference this week and the presentation sparked quite a bit of interest.   We had the privilege of learning… Read more » about UCISA 2018 Immersive Environments Conference

Research Concordat…. Have your say!

The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers was reviewed in the summer and the consultation on this review is open until 7th January 2018. Although there is likely to be a BU institutional response, you are encouraged to participate in this consultation as individuals. In addition, Bournemouth University, as holders of the HR… Read more » about Research Concordat…. Have your say!

Supporting students as they transition from school to university – a report from a CEL Learning and Teaching Fellow

Camila Devis-Rozental was awarded a CEL Learning and Teaching Fellowship in 2017-18 and used it to develop her student-focused project: Mind the gap – supporting students to successful transition from school to university: Current practice and future possibilities. She reports below on the first stage of this project: Last year, I was fortunate enough to… Read more » about Supporting students as they transition from school to university – a report from a CEL Learning and Teaching Fellow

Top 10 Tech Trends for 2019

Juniper Research, founded in 2001, provide research, forecasting and consultancy in technology markets to a worldwide client base. As part of their role as specialists in identifying disruption and change in the digital market, they have revealed the top ten tech trends that will impact the digital market in 2019.  In reverse order: 10. Chatbots… Read more » about Top 10 Tech Trends for 2019

Senior UK academics call for people’s vote to save universities

Prof Paul Nurse, Nobel Prize-winning geneticist, and director of the Crick Institute, London, says a new vote on Brexit is ‘the only way out’. Prof Michael Arthur, head of UCL, fears for the morale of his European students and staff and for research funding. Interesting article from The Guardian. Read more

A literature synthesis of personalised technology-enhanced learning: what works and why

A literature synthesis of personalised technology-enhanced learning: what works and why Elizabeth FitzGerald, Ann Jones, Natalia Kucirkova, Eileen Scanlon Abstract Personalised learning, having seen both surges and declines in popularity over the past few decades, is once again enjoying a resurgence. Examples include digital resources tailored to a particular learner’s needs, or individual feedback on… Read more » about A literature synthesis of personalised technology-enhanced learning: what works and why

Press release – Technology enhanced learning trends emerge in UCISA report

The ninth UCISA Survey of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) for higher education offers a longitudinal perspective of TEL developments over a 17-year period within UK institutions. The Report focuses on the current provision within universities and other higher education providers, and the emerging and planned patterns of learning technology usage across the UK HE sector. Dr Richard Walker,… Read more » about Press release – Technology enhanced learning trends emerge in UCISA report

What does the FE college of the future look like?

In the same way that machines changed the lives of our ancestors in the 19th century, so technology is transforming our world in the 21st century. Here, we imagine a day in the life of a further education principal in a few years’ time. Your students’ learning is immersive, interactive, flexible, fun and, most importantly, personalised… Read more » about What does the FE college of the future look like?