Events and workshops

Technology as a tool for inclusion: use and abuse in ‘classroom’ settings

Professor Jane Seale of the University of Exeter gave a fascinating keynote presentation at the recently concluded CELebrate 2016 at Bournemouth University. Her address centred on the theme Technology as a tool for inclusion: use and abuse in ‘classroom’ settings.  The presentation drew on a conceptual framework build on Practice; Voice and Digital Inclusion to depict… Read more » about Technology as a tool for inclusion: use and abuse in ‘classroom’ settings

Informal Learning in the Workplace

Professor John Cook of UWE gave a fascinating keynote address at the recently held CELebrate 2016 on the subject of Informal Learning in the Workplace. The address drew on a large European project on Learning Layers intended to develop technologies that support informal learning in the workplace, with particular focus on Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) within… Read more » about Informal Learning in the Workplace

Save the Date: 24/5/16 – Smart Cities Sandpit

On Tuesday, 24th May 2016, BU’s Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) will be hosting a Sandpit event on Smart Cities, supported and attended by staff from the Borough of Poole and other organisations.  Which means…? We’re seeking to come up with novel research which addresses how we link and upgrade infrastructures, technologies and services in key… Read more » about Save the Date: 24/5/16 – Smart Cities Sandpit

Forum members at CELebrate2016 brainstormed on technology as a tool for inclusion

Following Professor Jane Searle’s excellent keynote address on “technology as a tool for inclusion: use and abuse in classroom settings” at CELebrate2016, a discussion forum facilitated by the speaker provided an opportunity for participants to appraise how well BU was maximising technology to foster a more inclusive community of learners. The discussion revolved around two… Read more » about Forum members at CELebrate2016 brainstormed on technology as a tool for inclusion

Webinar: What is MongoDB? 30 June 2016 Online, 15.00 – 16.00

Webinar: What is MongoDB? 30 June 2016 Online, 15.00 – 16.00 MongoDB is an open source document based database system. It is designed to scale well for big datasets consisting of 100s of millions of documents. Instead of traditional tables with rows of data (as used in relational database systems like SQL Server or Oracle)… Read more » about Webinar: What is MongoDB? 30 June 2016 Online, 15.00 – 16.00

CEL at the Service Excellence Conference 2016

The Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL) played an active role during yesterday’s Service Excellence Conference 2016 by hosting a fun session with technology in PG30a. During the afternoon session facilitated by Debbie Holley and other technology experts, several participants had a thrilling experience with Oculus Rift, Virtual Reality Glasses, Google Cardboard, Augmented Reality and Virtual Roller-coasting…. Read more » about CEL at the Service Excellence Conference 2016

Schedule and booking for next week’s CELebrate 2016 Conference

The CELebrate 2016 Conference is taking place next week, between 13th and 15th April.  There are a host of interesting, educational and instructive sessions across a range of teaching and learning areas.  There are also three keynote speakers: Professors Jane Seale from Exeter, John Cook from UWE and Peter Bryant from LSE. Come and soak… Read more » about Schedule and booking for next week’s CELebrate 2016 Conference

SDA ‘drop in and play’ session TODAY 2.00 – 3:45 in PG30a

In addition to the Service Excellence Conference workshops on Thursday 7th April 2016, you can come along to PG30a and see what’s going on with the Student Development Award. Sonya Harvey (SDA coordinator) invites you to join the ‘drop in an play’ session being held between 2:00 – 3:45 pm.    

Upcoming Tablet Talk: ‘Mobile Video for Learning, Teaching, and Fusion’

Following on from some of the ideas discussed in a previous post – 5 Different Things to Do With Panopto – there will be a Tablet Talk session on Friday 6th May that will explore some of the potential uses of mobile video through Panopto. The session will cover: A brief overview of Panopto for those not familiar… Read more » about Upcoming Tablet Talk: ‘Mobile Video for Learning, Teaching, and Fusion’

Highlights of SURE 2016 Event

The SURE project has created extra-curricular opportunities for undergraduates across BU to disseminate their research and gain valuable transferable skills relevant to their academic and personal development. The two SURE conferences have involved staff and students from all faculties and received support from RK&O and BU Events. Not only the two conferences were a result… Read more » about Highlights of SURE 2016 Event