Enhancing ‘Technology in Tourism’ learning with the BLIS Suite

The BLISS (Blended Learning Interactive Simulation Suite) was recently used in the Technology in Tourism unit, offering an immersive learning experience. Located in the Bournemouth Gateway building, the BLISS Room uses interactive walls and projectors to create a virtual space where students can manipulate 2D and 3D objects, enhanced by ambient sound.

Collaborating with Rob Walter (BUBS Learning Technologist), Dr Mariana Consoni Rubio presented students with a virtual museum to explore, with art galleries, sculptures, and an Ancient Egypt exhibit. Students compared this experience to real museum visits and explored how such technology could benefit the tourism industry. The session also covered topics like experiential design and the “Phygital Experience”, blending physical and digital worlds.

Students finished by exploring a selection of 360° tourism experience related videos, taking virtual trips to experience the Northern Lights, Mount Everest and coral reefs!

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