FLIE’s Principal Lecturer Anne Quinney delivered an Education Excellence workshop on Assessment for Learning.
The workshop focussed on the 6 dimensions of Sambell’s model (below) and provided opportunities to discover how to use these in unit design and in designing assessment. Sambell’s model underpins the BU Assessment Design policy (6c) and the BU Generic Assessment Policy (6f).

The workshop also covered the resources in the BU Assessment & Feedback Toolkit which support Assessment for Learning, created to support staff in developing effective teaching and learning strategies. Do visit the Toolkit and explore the resources, whether you are a new member of staff or an experienced member of staff looking to develop your understanding of assessment and feedback practices.
A link to the recording of the session can be found here Assessment for Learning Video
Another session on the topic of Assessments (Assessment & Feedback – Rubrics, generic assessment criteria) will take place on the 23rd of February (12pm). To register for this event you can follow this link to our Eventbrite Page.
Anne Quinney
Principal Lecturer, FLIE.