Back in 2016 the BBC asked “could robots be marking your homework?” Here is the article: But in 2019 educators’s well being continues to be impacted by the pressure of marking 200 papers with a three week turn around plus second marking. If automation or semi automation was used, educators could spend more… Read more » about Research needed to advance automated marking and feedback.
The app, developed by Bond & Coyne design, can be used by prospective students alongside the printed prospectus to experience the campus more fully. Using the latest technology, it will form an essential part of the university’s recruitment process, giving prospective students an immersive insight into campus life and showcasing current student creative work, confirming… Read more » about Remote open days via AR app at Arts University Bournemouth
This academic year, three CEL Learning Technologists (LTs) have supported four Virtual Reality Deteriorating Patient sessions with Second Year Adult and Mental Health Nursing Students at BU. Two further LTs were invited to join in with the sessions so that they could learn how to support similar teaching and learning activities in the future (to… Read more » about What did Learning Technologists think of using Virtual Reality with Nursing Students?
The digital futures campaign features the CEL funded project VR Deteriorating Patient and other BU Digital Future Projects including the ORI and Psychology projects. Here is the video:
Universities and schools must take action to reduce the crippling workload that teachers and academics are facing. This issue has once again been highlighted this week by the BBC, regrettably with a story about a widow who blames her husband’s HE marking workload for his tragic suicide. Follow this link to read more: … Read more » about Urgent Action Needed to Tackle Marking Mountains- Is AI one solution?
Education is changing – but what does this look like in practice? What does the future of learning hold for students? At Bournemouth University we are responding to research that considers how teachers of the future will work with their classes. Drawing upon examples from fields as diverse as archaeology and nursing, Professor Debbie Holley, Professor Liz… Read more » about A Wicked Challenge
What did Mental Health Nursing Students think of VR Deteriorating Patient? Here is just a brief summary report before I conduct thematic analysis (this is part of a wider piece of work involving an RCT of use of VR in the school of Nursing at BU). Participants: 193 students have completed the pre-test so… Read more » about What did Mental Health Nursing Students think of VR Deteriorating Patient?
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