Study Tips Whilst at Uni

Uni is very different from school or college! You will most likely be expected to be a little more independent and are required to spend a good amount of time independently completing wider reading for your course. I definitely struggled with this when I arrived at uni, as although there is available support from lecturers… Read more » about Study Tips Whilst at Uni

How to stop being a slave to our phones

I often find myself in a constant state of procrastination, spending way too much time on my phone, and chances are you do too!!! It’s 2019 and not a moment goes by uncaptured by our phones. Banking/photos/messaging/calling/internet/emails/calculator/tv/ social media/dating apps/music, the list is endless! It has been proven that spending too much time on your… Read more » about How to stop being a slave to our phones

Which accommodation is best for you?

Which Accommodation Is Best For You? Choosing accommodation for university can be confusing with all the criteria to consider and it becomes a mine field when you can’t decide which one you like best. This simple little flow diagram quiz I’ve created, should help you narrow it down to at least one or two! Just… Read more » about Which accommodation is best for you?

De-stress with ReslifeBU

Throughout the year BU has loads of events and activities to help students de-stress. Back in January I was invited to document some of the activities that went on around exam time. If you like dogs, you’re in for a treat!

Staying safe on a night out

Regardless of whether you’re a student or not, everyone should keep safe when on a night out. It’s easy when your among friends or if your familiar with an area to take your safety for granted. Watch my vlog where I share some top tips!

Josh’s take on long distance relationships whilst at university

When it comes to relationships at University, you get to hear all of the comments that you may feel unnecessary such as “it won’t last” or “you won’t be able to do it”. It is these comments that encourage you to challenge the supposed stereotypes of University relationships and their failures. From my personal experience,… Read more » about Josh’s take on long distance relationships whilst at university

Five things you can do to make going out as stress-free as possible

Although the whole purpose of a night out is to go out with your friends and have a good time, there are so many opportunities for things to go wrong and for it to end up being actually quite a stressful experience! Here are a few ways to make the night run as seamlessly as… Read more » about Five things you can do to make going out as stress-free as possible