A student’s guide to placements

Placement – now that’s a scary word. I remember when I applied for my course at Bournemouth, the thought of a placement seemed years away. But time flies fast at Bournemouth and all of a sudden – your placement is here! But although the idea of a placement year can seem daunting, my placement year… Read more » about A student’s guide to placements

The opportunities when you’re a Student Ambassador at BU

There are a range of opportunities to work whilst you are studying in Bournemouth, and among these is the chance to become a Student Ambassador at Bournemouth University like me! This has definitely been a highlight for me during my BU experience, as it can involve so many things. Aside from widening my experiences, this… Read more » about The opportunities when you’re a Student Ambassador at BU

My first few days of starting uni

This is a guest blog by current student Alice. I moved to Bournemouth on Saturday the 16th September 2017 and what a whirlwind it was! So I thought for any freshers out there who are about to join Bournemouth University, I would break down my first few days in Bournemouth to give an overview of… Read more » about My first few days of starting uni

Guest Blogger: Amanda Chu’s exchange to Institute for Tourism (IFT) Studies in Macau

This is a guest blog by current student Amanda Chu. I saw the opportunity to study abroad and I loved the idea of doing a semester somewhere else rather than in Bournemouth. However, I was very nervous before I made the final decision to go abroad. This is because I had always lived and studied… Read more » about Guest Blogger: Amanda Chu’s exchange to Institute for Tourism (IFT) Studies in Macau

My work placement with the Ministry of Education in Denmark

This is a guest blog by current student Bettina Dorffer studying BA (Hons) Politics. I was lucky enough to secure a long placement with the Ministry of Education in Denmark. Something which certainly was not secured after my first application. Applying for a placement is time consuming, I faced several rejections but I did not… Read more » about My work placement with the Ministry of Education in Denmark

Graduation beckons – three things I wish I’d known earlier

Graduating is always the icing on the cake when it comes to education. It is that moment when you finally close the chapter to one part of your educational story. Graduating with a postgraduate degree in Events Management was my second biggest accomplishment; my first being graduating from my undergraduate degree. However, with graduation comes… Read more » about Graduation beckons – three things I wish I’d known earlier

My placement experience at the Royal Garden Hotel

This is a guest blog by current student Catherine Rushton studying BA (Hons) Public Relations. Working in a luxury 5-star hotel in the heart of Kensington for a year was quite the experience! I managed to step inside the life of an affluent achiever and experience all of the benefits that come with it. However,… Read more » about My placement experience at the Royal Garden Hotel

Windy, wet, or way too hot: What’s the weather like?

Hello, my name is Alejandra and I’m an MSc Nutrition and Behaviour student from Colombia. For all the people out there coming to the UK from warm countries, don’t worry! Even if the rumours of rainy England are often true, you will never get bored here. Unpredictable, changeable and pretty rainy: that is how I… Read more » about Windy, wet, or way too hot: What’s the weather like?

Practice makes perfect: The payoff of challenging projects

I’m Lara Barusso from Italy and I’m studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design at Bournemouth University. I want to tell you about my favourite project during my first year of my course. The project The project I loved the most was one of the first ones I did during my very first semester…. Read more » about Practice makes perfect: The payoff of challenging projects

Midwifery- 50% placement, 50% practice!

This is a guest blog by current student Cecilia Bawden. Our year at uni is split 50/50 between placement and practice. A uni week is made up of 37.5 hours of learning time, and a placement week is 37.5 hours of practice time. Each year we have to complete a minimum of 900 hours in… Read more » about Midwifery- 50% placement, 50% practice!

The BU starter kit

Have you heard about the starter kit?! The starter kit is a nice little extra that you receive when you start university life at Bournemouth University! It offers new undergraduate students the choice of one of three starter kits to choose from. Whatever your personality, there is something for everyone. If you’re a homebody and… Read more » about The BU starter kit

Not wanting 6th form and college to end and having to grow up

College and sixth-form is an exciting time, its when you first start to feel smaller parts of yourself become independent, whilst also having a school like network behind you still supporting you. In the UK, it is now a legal requirement to stay in education until you are 18. So when it comes to university… Read more » about Not wanting 6th form and college to end and having to grow up